Melnic Silvia

Title Doctor, assoc. prof.
Position Senior scientific researcher
Laboratory Bioinorganic Chemistry and Nanocompozite
Office  210
Phone/fax (+373 22) 73 97 55
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Research areas

Synthesis and investigation of mono- and polynuclear iron compounds, lanthanide carboxylate clusters; biological active coordination compounds; 3d and 3d-4f elements containing coordination compounds.Nanoparticles and nanocomposite materialls

Relevant publications
  1. Bartolomé E., Bartolomé J., Arauzo A., Luzón J., Badía L., Cases R., Luis F., Melnic S. et al.Antiferromagnetic single-chain magnet slow relaxation in the {Tb(α-fur)3}n polymer with non- Kramers ions. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2016,4, 5038 – 5050. ISSN 2050-7526. doi: 10.1039/c6tc00919k (IF: 5.256).
  2. Benniston A C, Melnic S., Waddell P G., Shova S. Evolution of Manganese-Calcium Cluster Structures based on Nitrogen and Oxygen Donor Ligands. In: CrystEngComm. 2017, 19, 3674–3681. ISSN 1466-8033. doi: 10.1039/c7ce00931c (IF: 3.474).
  3. Arauzo A., Bartolomé E.,. Benniston A. C., Melnic S., Shova S. et al. Slow magnetic relaxation in a dimeric Mn2Ca2 complex enabled by the large Mn(III) rhombicity. In: Dalton Transactions.2017, 46, 720-732. ISSN: 1364-5447. doi: 10.1039/c6dt02509a (IF: 4.029).
  4. Bartolome´ E., Bartolome ´ J., Arauzo A., Luzon J., Cases R.; Fuertes S., Sicilia V., Sanchez-Cano A. I., Aporta J., Melnic S. et al.Heteronuclear {TbxEu1-x} furoate 1D polymers presenting luminescent properties and SMM behavior. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2018, 6, 5286-5299. ISSN 2050-7526. doi: 10.1039/c8tc00832a (IF: 5.256)
  5. Cuzan-Munteanu O., Melnic S., Shova S. Synthesis and X-Ray Characterization of a New Mixed-Valence Trinuclear Iron Cluster. In:Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2018. ISSN 1857- 1727. doi: 10.19261/cjm.2018.504
  6. Bartolomé E., Arauzo A., Luzón J., Melnic S., Shova S., Prodius D., Bartolomé J., Amann A., Nallaiyan M. and Spagna S. Slow relaxation in a {Tb2Ba(α-fur)8}n polymer with Ln = Tb(III) non-Kramers ions. In: Dalton Transactions. 2019, 48, 5022-5034. DOI: 10.1039/c8dt05044a(IF: 4.029).
  7. Benniston A. C., Melnic S., Sirbu D., Waddell P. G. CSD Communication, 2019. 10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc21smgy.
  8. Bartolomé E., Arauzo A., Luzón J., Melnic S., Shova S., Prodius D., Nlebedim I. C., Bartolomé F. and Bartolomé J. High relaxation barrier in neodymium furoate-based field-induced SMMs. In: Dalton Transactions. 2019, 48, 15386-15396. DOI: 10.1039/c9dt02047k(IF: 4.029).
  9. Melnic S., Shova S., Gdaniec M. et al. Synthesis and study of new heteropolynuclear manganese-calcium polymers. XVIII-th Conference "Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry. Chişinău, Moldova, 2015, p. 97. ISBN 978-9975-71-692-5.
  10. Melnic S., Shova S., Gdaniec M. et al. Synthesis and structure of a new manganese-calcium carboxilate. XVIII-th Conference "Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry. Chişinău, Moldova, 2015, p. 98. ISBN 978-9975-71-692-5.
  11. Melnic S. Synthesis and structures of a new Mn/Ce clusters. The 9th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Chisinău, Moldova. 2018, p.133.
  12. Geru I., Gaiu N., Melnic S. Exchange interaction in a new manganese calcium cluster. In: International Conference "Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2019, p. 100.
  13. Bartolome J., Bartolomé E., Benniston A. C., Melnic S., Shova S. and Arauzo A. Slow magnetic relaxation in a Mn(III)-Mn(II) mixed-valence dimer. In: 5th European Conference On Molecular Magnetism (ECMM). Zaragoza, Spain, 2015, p. PS-2-36.
  14. Bartolomé E., Arauzo A., Luzón J., Badía L., Cases R., Luis F., Melnic S., Prodius D. et al. Spin relaxation vs. long range ordering in lanthanide polymeric furoates. In: ICMM'2016, International Conference on Molecular Magnets. Japan, 2016, 6P040. 
  15. Bartolome´ E., Bartolome´ J., Arauzo A., Luzon J., Cases R., Fuertes S., Sicilia V., Sanchez-Cano A. I., Aporta J. Melnic S. et al. Heteronuclear {TbxEu1-x} furoate 1D polymers presenting luminescence and SMM behavior.In: The 16th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets – ICMM2018. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
  16. Arauzo A., Bartolomé E., Luzón J., Melnic S., Shova S., Prodius D., Nlebedim C. I., Bartolomé F., Bartolomé J. Spin Relaxation Phenomena in two novel Nd SIMs. In: European Conference on Molecular Magnetism, ECMM2019, Italy, Florence, 2019, p.139.
  17. Cuzan-Munteanu O., Melnic S., Petuhov O. Thermal analysis study of trinuclear homo- and heteroatomic iron clusters. In: 5th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Italy, Roma, 2019, p. 305.  

National projects

  1. ANCD/20.80009.5007.04. New materials based on coordination compounds of metals with polyfunctional ligands as porous polymers, catalysts, biologically active substances and nanostructured compounds
    Period: 2020-2023
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Vasile LOZAN
  2. CSSDT/15.817.02.01F. Mono- and polynuclear coordination compounds of metals (transition and s-type) as photocatalyst, porous and nanostructured materials for water photolysis as components of energetical security
    Period: 2015-2019
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Vasile LOZAN
  3. CSȘDT/14.518.04.08A. Synthesis and study of polynuclear complexes of s-nd-4f metals as catalysts in chemical processes, porous substances and precursors of nanomaterials
    Period: 2014-2015
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Vasile LOZAN
  4. 11.817.08.22F. Study of the geometric and electronic structure of new coordination and nanomaterial compounds, spin dynamics and redox processes for the development of hydrogen production by water photolysis
    Period: 2010-2017