Laboratory of Water Chemistry (ILAS)


Head of the laboratory Tatiana MITINA

Office:  131
Phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
Email: tatiana.mitina @ 
mitina_tatiana @
tatiana.mitina @


Short history

The Laboratory of Water Chemistry was founded in 1979, under the name Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy, as part of the Automation and Metrology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. In 2007, due to reorganization and optimization, the laboratory became a part of the Institute of Chemistry. 

The laboratory was accredited by the National Center of Accreditation of the Republic of Moldova (MOLDAC) in 1994, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019.

Research areas
  • Development of new procedures and improvement of the existing ones;
  • Broadening the spectrum of analyzed objects and the number of determined parameters;
  • Improving metrological characteristics of the procedures;
  • Evaluation of chemical composition of water from different sources (ground, surface, bottled) and its classification according to drinking water quality standards.
Recent publications
Research projects

Tariana MITINA
Head of the laboratory

office 131
phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
email: tatiana.mitina @
mitina_tatiana @; tatiana.mitina @


Scientific researcher

office 131
phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
email:  nadejda.bondarenco @
nbond @

Scientific researcher

office 131
phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
email: [email protected]
grigorasdiana @
office 127
phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
email: elena.botizat @
office 136
phone: (+373 22) 73 99 77
email: victor.ciolac @

Chapters in monographs

  1. LUPAŞCU, T.; MITINA, T.; GRIGORAȘ, D. Metodele de determinare a microelementelor in obiectele biologice. În: Microelementele în obiectele biosferei Republicii Moldova şi aplicarea în agricultură şi medicină, 2016, Chişinău, pp.240-253. ISBN 978-9975-51-724-9.

Articles in international journals 

  1. LUPASCU, Tudor, PETUHOV, Oleg, CULIGHIN, Elena, MITINA, Tatiana, RUSU, Maria, ROTARU, Andrei. The influence of surface chemistry upon the textural, thermal and sorption properties of apple-pectin adsorbent materials. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023, vol. 148, nr. 10, pp. 4573-4587. ISSN 1388-6150. DOI:  (I.F.=4,63)
  2. LUPASCU, T., CULIGIN, E., PETUHOV, O., MITINA, T., RUSU, M.,  ROTARU, A. The influence of surface chemistry upon the textural, thermal and sorption properties of apple-pectins. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021 (Q1; Impact Factor 2020: 4.626).
  3. LUPASCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOTAN, V.; SANDU, I.G.; DRAGALIN, I.; MITINA, T.; SANDU, I. Removal of ammonium ions and ammonia from groundwater by oxidation processes. Revista de Chimie. 2018, 11. (IF: 1,412)
  4. PETUHOV, O.; LUPASCU, T.; BEHUNOVÁ, D.; POVAR, I.; TATIANA MITINA, MARIA RUSU. Microbiological Properties of Microwave-Activated Carbons Impregnated with Enoxil and Nanoparticles of Ag and Se. C — Journal of Carbon Research, 2019, 5, 31;
  5. MITINA, T., BONDARENCO, N., GRIGORAS, D., LUPASCU, T., MEREUTA, A. The composition of the lime scale of electric power stations and rationale of their utilization. In: Znanstvena misel journal, 2020, vol.1, nr. 45. с. 18-23. ISSN 3124-1123.

 Articles in national journals

  1. MITINA, T., BONDARENCO, N., GRIGORAȘ, D., LUPAȘCU, T. Aplicarea metodei WQI în studiul calității apelor subterane din raionul Căușeni. In: Akademos, 2021, nr. 4, pp. 75-81. CZU: 543.3:628.1.036,
  2. CIOBANU, M.; BOTAN, V.; LUPASCU, T.; MITINA, T.; RUSU, M. Adsorption of strontium ions from water on modified activated carbons. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2016, nr. 11(2), . DOI: ISSN: 1857-1727.
  3. MITINA T.; BONDARENCO, N; GRIGORAS, D.; BOTIZAT, E.; LUPASCU, T. Determination of strontium ions in waters with a high content of sodium ions. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2015, 10(1), 20-24. ISSN: 1857-1727.
  4. NASTAS, R.; GOREACIOC, T.; GÎNSARI, I.; CEBOTARI, I.; LUPAŞCU, T.; SANDU, M.; TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; MITINA, T. Testarea cărbunilor activi autohtoni pentru eliminarea ionilor de nitrit din apă. Buletinul A.Ș.M. Ştiinṭele vieții, 2019, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, nr. 2 (338), p. 171-179. ISSN 1857-064X
  5. MAFTULEAC, A.; OCOPNAIA, N.; BONDARENCO, N. Apa dură: cauze și efecte. Dedurizarea ei utilizarea deșeurilor. Noosfera, 2016, ISSN 1857-3517.


  1. LUPASCU, Tudor (MD), MITINA, Tatiana (MD), GOREACIOC, Tatiana (MD),  CULIGIN, Elena, CIBOTARU, Silvia (MD).  POVAR, Igor (MD),  DEMCENCO, Pavlo (UA),  KOZLOV, Konstantyn (UA),Oleksandr VOITKO, Oleksandr (UA).  Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Patent MD 4746 B1 from 2021.02.28.
  2. LUPAŞCU, Tudor; MITINA, Tatiana; GOREACIOC, Tatiana;  CULIGHIN, Elena; CIBOTARU, Silvia;  POVAR, Igor;  DEMCHENKO, Pavlo; KOZLOV, Kostiantyn; VOITKO, Oleksandr.  Procedeu de oxidare a pectinelor. Patent MD 9675 from 12.11.2020.
  3. LUPASCU, T., MITINA, T., GOREACIOC, T., CULIGHIN, E., CIBOTARU, S., POVAR, I., DEMCHENCKO, P., KOZLOV, K., VOITKO, O. Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Positive decision no. 9675 from 2020.12.11. 

National projects

  1. Advanced research in computational and ecological chemistry, identification of technological procedures for treatment, formation of water quality and quantity (code 010603)
    Period: 2024-2027
    Subprogram manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR
  2. ANCD/20.80009.7007.21. Reducing the effects of toxic chemicals on the environment and health through the use of adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials
    Period: 2020-2023
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  3. CSSDT/15.817.02.16A. Controlling of sorption-structural characteristics of carbonaceous and mineral adsorbents and multifunctional materials for the purpose of their use in practice
    Period: 2015-2019
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU

International projects

  1. Multifunctional sustainable adsorbents for water treatment assisted with plasma technologies and for health protection from xenobiotics (CLEANWATER)
    Period: 2023-2027;
    Project manager: Dr., conf. cerc. Raisa NASTAS
  2. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016/734641. Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications (NANOMED)
    Period: 2018-2020
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  3. RESINFRA 2017-2018. Efficiency of monitoring the content of heavy metals in the environmental components
    Period: 2017-2018
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
