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A new scientific idea usually has a hard time finding its way. At first, it is dismissed by everyone. Venerable authorities say it's nonsense. After a while, the first doubts appear, and some people allow themselves to say that there may be some truth in it. A few years later, everyone said the idea was so obvious that everyone knew about it, and any student could have said it. I was told about this somewhat amusing evolution of human attitudes toward the new мany years ago by my then-supervisor, Isaac Bersuker, a prominent Moldovan scientist. However, at that time, I only guessed about [...]
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On behalf of the Organizing Committees, we are honored to invite you to attend the MedMolMed 2025 Congress which will take place in Chișinău between 10 and 15 November 2025. Goal: The MEDICINE, MOLECULAR AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES congress (MedMolMed 2025) aims to play a key role in developing research and expanding collaboration in the fields of molecular and life sciences. Expanding collaboration between scientists from Moldova and Romania is essential for maintaining their relevance, competitiveness, and visibility in the European and global academic area. Topics: Basic and applied [...]
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Between November 11-22, 2024, the Environmental Quality Monitoring Laboratory, Institute of Chemistry at the State University of Moldova (USM) was hosting a training program for Ms. Kayumova Dilorom, Leading Researcher at the State Scientific Institution "Center for Research of Glaciers" of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. The program is part of the scientific visit referenced as SV-TAD7004-EVT2405712. The primary objective of the scientific visit was to familiarize the participant with analytical methods for the stable isotope analysis (dH2 and dO18) and the chemical [...]
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Researchers of the Institute of Chemistry of Moldova State University are kindly invited to visit the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) portal to find out about the possibilities offered by CERIC for scientists all over the world: At the same time, we congratulate Dr. in chemistry Elena Gorincioi, leading scientific researcher from the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis on the occasion of the repeated successful award by CERIC, for realization of the research projects employing the power of NMR spectroscopy. Our colleague has benefited from [...]
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Working Group 3 (WG3) NECTAR Workshop August 29-30, 2023, 55/4, Hincesti str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova The Institute of Chemistry of the Moldova State University with a great pleasure invite you to a Working Group 3 (WG3) NECTAR Workshop. COST Action CA18202 - Network for Equilibria and Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Research (NECTAR) is a European Network of almost 200 researchers, from 31 Countries, involved in the advanced study of chemical equilibria:, It surely represents a great opportunity to acknowledge the [...]
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The Academy of Science of Moldova and Institute of Chemistry of Moldova State University organize an academic lecture by Professor Ashok Vaseashta, from the International Clean Water Institute, USA entitled: "Future of Water” Challenges and Solutions Using Nature-inspired and Bioplastics-based Nexus of Exponential Technologies. Academic lecture to be held physically and online on February 8, 2023, at 11:00 am (Chisinau time). For remote connection, the following link is available: Meeting ID: 899 0296 5444 Passcode [...]
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SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING AND JAHN-TELLER EFFECTS dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER February 10, 2023, at 16:00 pm (Chisinau time), in a hybrid way (face-to-face and online) 1, Stefan cel Mare și Sfant bd., Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Blue Hall The Institute of Chemistry of the Moldova State University and the Academy of Science of Moldova with a great pleasure invite you to a scientific webinar entitled: ”Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Jahn-Teller Effects, dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER”. To be held on February 10, 2023, at [...]
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Institute of Chemistry from Republic of Moldova and Laboratory of Physical and Quantum Chemistry invite you to attend the lecture of our guest, Professor Janez Plavec, head of the Slovenian NMR Center, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. On January, 19th he will give a lecture entitled: ”NMR studies of tetrahelical DNA structures and their ligand interactions”. The lecture will be held in meetings room of the Institute of Chemistry ( 3rd floor, office 349), starting at 10.00 am (with [...]
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In the context of the proclamation by the United Nations of the year 2022 as the International Year of Fundamental Sciences, and the creation within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova of the scientific platform for communication in the field of fundamental sciences "Fundamental sciences for sustainable development of society", it is important to highlight the best discoveries of researchers from the Republic of Moldova made over the years, which continue to lead to the development of areas of basic research and practical applications. On April 17, 1978, the scientific discovery of academician [...]
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The 7th International Conference "Ecological and Environmental Chemistry-2022", EEC-2022 March 3-4, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova ( On March 3-4, 2022, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova was held the 7th International Conference: "Ecological and Environmental Chemistry" (EEC-2022), with organizational and financial support from the following organizations: Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova, Institute of Chemistry, State University of Moldova, Technical University of Moldova, Institute of Ecology and Geography, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldovan [...]