
The Institute of Chemistry was established in 1959 on the basis of the Department of Organic Chemistry, and that of Inorganic Chemistry and the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the Moldovan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and is the country’s only institution in this field of science, with rich practical experience in various fields of modern chemistry.

The cornerstones of scientific directions of the institute were laid down by famous researchers, members of the Academy of Sciences, founders of scientific schools in the Republic of Moldova: acad. Antonie Ablov (1905-1978) – school of coordination compounds chemistry; acad. Gheorghe Lazurievski (1906-1987) – school of organic and bioorganic chemistry, acad. Iurie Lealicov (1909-1976), organizer and leader of research related to physical-chemical methods of analysis – school of polarography.

Later, new scientific schools were created, those of quantum chemistry – headed by acad. Isaak Bersuker; organic, bioorganic chemistry and chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds – headed by acad. Pavel Vlad (1936-2017); chemistry of coordination, macrocyclic and supramolecular compounds – headed by acad. Nicolae Garbalau (1931-2006); bioinorganic chemistry – headed by acad. Constantin Turta (1940- 2015); ecological chemistry – headed by acad. Gheorghe Duca and the scientific school in the field  of chemistry of adsorbents was created by acad. Tudor Lupascu.

Due to the knowledge accumulated by the scientific schools of the institute and the needs of the country, it is necessary to continue the research in the direction of the synthesis and analysis of inorganic and organic compounds, including natural compounds and nanoparticles, as biologically active substances for medicine, industry and agriculture; supplying the population of the Republic with quality drinking water, recovery of domestic and industrial waste, elaboration of methods of analytical control of environmental pollutants, which will contribute to solving important problems for the Republic of Moldova in the shortest time.

The main purpose is the development of directions that fall within the stringent subjects of European and international research, and at the same time, taking into account the main historical field: ”Synthesis of multifunctional materials; advanced competitive methods and technologies for environmental protection and new procedures in chemical analysis and control”, proved by the research results and the impressive number of published works, patents and implementations.

The Institute of Chemistry aims to implement the obtained scientific results in the fields of country’s economy for:

1) providing agriculture with harmless chemical substances to stimulate the increase of productivity and protection of plants (Beneficiary: Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment);

2) providing the population with quality local medicines (Beneficiary: Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection);

3) ensuring the population with drinking water and the treatment of waste water (Beneficiary: JSC „Apă Canal”, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment).

The achievement of the objectives will contribute to the reduction of the science-intensive products imported into the Republic of Moldova, as well as to obtaining new competitive products on the world market.

By Government Decision no. 485 of 13.07.2022 regarding the reorganization through merger (absorption) of some institutions in the fields of education, research and innovation and the modification of some decisions of the Government (Published: 15-07-2022 in the Official Monitor no. 208-216, art. 550), the Institute of Chemistry was absorbed by the Moldova State University. Since 2023,  the Institute of Chemistry is a separate division, with the status of a research institute, within the  Moldova State University.