Outstanding personalities

   Scientific schools in Republic of Moldova:

  • School of coordination compounds chemistry, founder acad. Antonie Ablov;
  • School of organic and bioorganic chemistry, founder acad. Gheorghe Lazurievski;
  • Organizer and leader of research related to physical-chemical methods of analysis –School of polarography, founder acad. Iurie Lealicov;
  • School of quantum chemistry, founder acad. Isaac Bersuker;
  • School of organic, bioorganic chemistry and chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds, founder acad. Pavel Vlad;
  • School of chemistry of coordination, macrocyclic and supramolecular compounds, founder acad. Nicolae Garbalau;
  • School of bioinorganic chemistry, founder acad. Constantin Turta;
  • School of ecological chemistry, founder acad. Gheorghe Duca;
  • School in the field  of chemistry of adsorbents, founder acad. Tudor Lupascu.