Laboratory Physical and Quantum Chemistry

Head of the laboratory Academician 
Gheorghe DUCA

Office:  225
Phone: (+373 22) 72 79 11
Email: gheorghe.duca @ usm.mdggduca @; gheorghe.duca @



Short history                                                 

The Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry was founded in 1964 at the initiative of acad. Isaac Bersuker, the world-renowned scientist who directed this scientific group for 29 years (1964-1993). 

In 1978 acad. Isaac Bersuker has discovered the „Phenomenon of tunneling splitting of the energy levels of polyatomic systems in degenerate electronic states”. The discovery has been registered in 1978 with No 202 in the State Register of the USSR, being one of the two scientific discoveries ever realized in Republic of Moldova.

In 2006, the laboratory was renamed in the Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Kinetics and later, in 2013, the laboratory was enlarged by the integration of the Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Laser Spectroscopy headed by corresponding member Ion Geru, hence the name of the laboratory was replaced by the Laboratory of Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Magnetic Resonance. In 2016 the name of the laboratory became Quantum Chemistry, Catalysis and Physical Methods. Since 2020 laboratory is renamed in Physical and Quantum Chemistry.


Research areas
  • Quantum chemical calculations of geometry, electronic structure and properties of molecular sistems by ab initio and DFT method;
  • Development of the theory of vibronic interactions. Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect (PJTE) in control and rationalization of chemical transformations. Vibronic activation of small molecules by coordination;
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanisms of chemical reactions. Study of the „structure-activity” and „structure-properties” relationships;
  • Synthesis of colloidal quantum dots II-VI and  study of their properties by methods of optical spectroscopy and magnetic resonance. Processes of self-organization of II-VI colloidal quantum dots in organic solvents;
  • Theoretical interpretation of anomalous magnetic properties of trihomonuclear clusters with Kramers’ degeneration of energy levels based on the time- reversal symmetry;
  • Application of the time-reversal symmetry for developing of synthesis methods for binuclear coordination compounds with controlled magnetic properties;
  • Production of nano-structured catalysts based on TiO2 and doping of their surface with noble metals with the chemical-catalytic methods in order to enlarge their applications in photocatalytic systems, specifically, for the persistent organic pollutants decomposition in water compartments;
  • Spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations of the conformation of biological macromolecules.
Recent publications
Research projects
Gheorghe DUCA
dr. habilitate, prof., academician ASM
 Head of the laboratory
office 225
phone: (+373 22) 72 79 11
email: gheorghe.duca @ usm.mdggduca @; gheorghe.duca @

 Iolanta BALAN
 dr.                                                          Leading scientific researcher

office 432a
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: iolanta.balan @ sti.usm.mdibalan02 @; iolanta.balan @

dr. habilitate, prof., academician ASM

office 446
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: bersuker @

dr. habilitate
Leading scientific researcher

office 225
phone: (+373 22) 72 79 11
email: olga.covaliova @ sti.usm.mdolga196cov @; 
olga.covaliova @
Senior scientific researcher
office 447
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: mihail.gorbaciov @ sti.usm.mdmihail.gorbaciov @; mikhailgorbachev271 @

Senior scientific researcher

office 220
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49

email:  lilia.anghel @ sti.usm.mdanghel.lilia @; lilia.anghel @

Senior scientific researcher

office 225
phone: (+373 22) 72 79 11
email:  lidia.romanciuc @ sti.usm.mdromanciuclidia @,
lidia.romanciuc @

Senior scientific researcher

office 449
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: arsene_ion @; ion.arsene @


Senior scientific researcher

birou 449
tel.: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: oialt @

dr. habilitate

Senior scientific researcher

office 219
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: zinikovskaia @

Scientific researcher
PhD student

office 219
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: crina.vicol @ sti.usm.mdcrina.vicol @; crina.smigon @

Constantin HRAMCO
Scientific researcher

office 219
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: costea.edinets @

Scientific researcher
office 240
phone: (+373 22) 73 96 49
email: natalia.bolocan @ sti.usm.mdnatalia.bolocan @ 


  1. DUCA, Gh., VASEASHTA, A. Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. IGI Global: U.S.A., 2023, vol. 1, 495 p. ISBN13: 9781668471982/ISBN10: 1668471981/EISBN13: 9781668472002. 10.4018/978-1-6684-7198-2
  2. DUCA, Gh., VASEASHTA, A. Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Ed.: IGI Global, USA, 2023, vol. 2, 435 p. ISBN13: 9798369305126, EISBN13: 9798369305140.
  3. VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. Handbook of Research on Water Science and Society. IGI Global, USA, 2022, 1, 931 p. DOI:
  4. DUCA, Gh.; VASEASHTA, A. Handbook of Research ”Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry”. IGI Global, SUA., 2020. 649 p.
  5. MOCANU, L., GONŢA, M., DUCA, Gh., MATVEEVICI, V. Aplicarea metodelor fizico-chimice combinate la înlăturarea poluanților textili din soluții apoase. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, 194 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-511-1
  6. DUCA, Gh. (Ed.) Proceselor redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, 493 p.  (în tipar)
  7. BLONSCHI, V.; GLADCHI, V.; DUCA, Gh. Participarea substanțelor tiolice în procese de autopurificare chimică a apelor naturale. Chișinău: CEP USM, 2022, 138 p. ISBN 978-9975-159-45-6.
  8. LIS, Angela; GLADCHI, Viorica; DUCA Gheorghe. Legități de transformare fotochimică a unor substanțe tiolice în sistemele acvatice. Chișinău: CEP USM, 2022. 194 p. ISBN 978-9975-159-85-2
  9. DUCA, Gh. Abstract Book of the 7th International Converence: Ecological and Environmental Chemistry. Chisinau : CEP USM, 2022, 1, 230 p. ISBN 978-9975-159-07-4, DOI:
  10. DUCA, Gh. Abstract Book of the 7th International Converence: Ecological and Environmental Chemistry. Chisinau : CEP USM, 2022, 2, 350 p. ISBN 978-9975-159-07-4, DOI:

Chapters in the monographs (national/international)

  1. ANGHEL, L.; ERHAN, R.-V. Versatility and specificity of oxidoreductases in the electron transfer reactions. In: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. DUCA, Gh.; VASEASHTA, A., Ed.: IGI Global, USA, 2023, p. 327-343.
  2. BALAN, I.; GORINCHOY, N.; GORBACHEV, M.; ARSENE, I.; BERSUKER, I.B. Originea Pseudo Jahn-Teller a barierei energetice a proceselor chimice. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, cap.6, pp. 62-97. (in tipar)
  3. BLONSCHI, V., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh., BUNDUCHI, E., LIS, A. The Influence of Thiol Compounds on Redox State of Some Natural Waters in the Republic of Moldova. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: IGI Global, 2023, vol. 2, Chapter 4, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0512-6.
  4. BLONSCHI, V., GLADCHI, V., LIS, A., CULEA, M. Modelarea proceselor de autopurificare a apelor în prezența vitaminelor grupului B. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 290-301.
  5. BOLOCAN N., DUCA, Gh. Cercetarea proprietăților antiradicalice ale acidului dihidroxifumaric și a unor derivați ai săi cu aplicarea metodelor cinetice și computaționale. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 135-158.
  6. BOLOCAN, N., BĂLAN, I., DUCA Gh. Metodologia calculelor cuanto-chimice. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 26-29.
  7. BOLOCAN, N., DUCA, Gh. Dihydroxyfumaric Acid. Transformations, Importance and Applications, New Derivatives: Review of Experimental and Theoretical Research. In.: Duca Gh., Vaseashta A. (Eds.). In: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Ed.: IGI Global, USA, 2023, Vol.1, Chapter 9, p. 198-223.
  8. BUNDUCHII, E., BORODAEV, R., GLADCHI, V., Lis, A. Evaluarea capacității sistemului redox de autopurificare a apelor lacului Dănceni la poluarea cu tioli și vitamine. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 302-316.
  9. BUNDUCHII, E., DUCA, Gh. Mecanisme de autopurificare chimică a apelor naturale, cu utilizarea teoriei proceselor redox. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 238-248.
  10. BUNDUCHII, E., DUCA, Gh., GLADCHI, V. Monitorizarea, în baza indicatorilor cinetici, a proceselor de autopurificare chimică redox a apelor naturale. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni.  CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 250-258.
  11. CAZACU, L. Proprietăți structurale și mecanisme de interacțiune ale unor macromolecule cu activitate antioxidantă cercetate prin metoda de împrăștiere la unghiuri mici. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 199-210. (in tipar)
  12. CRETESCU, I., BORODAEV, R., LUTIC, D., SOREANU, G., DUCA, Gh., RATNAWEERA, H. Redox measurements, a cheap and fast tool for preliminary ecotoxicity assessment of the surface waters: An early warning system for water pollution monitoring. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: IGI Global, 2023, vol.2, Chapter 8, p. 119-131. DOI:  
  13. DUCA, Gh., COVALIOV, V., COVALIOVA, O., ROMANCIUC, L., TASCA, C. Studiul proceselor redox în sisteme biochimice în prezența antioxidanților. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 211-237.
  14. DUCA, Gh., COVALIOVA, O., COVALIOV, V., ROMANCIUC, L., VASEASHTA, A. Combined Ferrite Treatment of Multi-Component Wastewaters. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: IGI Global, 2023, vol. 2, Chapter 13, pp. 238-252.  
  15. DUCA, Gh., GORBACEV, M. Teoriile de transfer de electroni si protoni si necesitatea dezvoltării lor. In: Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 30-61. (in tipar)
  16. DUCA, Gh., STURZA, R., COVALIOVA, O., COVACI, E., ROMANCIUC, L., TAȘCA, C. Modification of Waste Biomass Digestion in the Presence of Additives of Bioactive Substances. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A. IGI Global, 2023, Vol.2, Chapter 9, p. 149-165.  
  17. DUCA, Gh., TRAVIN, S. Hydrogen Peroxide, a Substance that Conquered the World. In.: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A.IGI Global, 2023, vol.1., Chapter 3,  p. 39-70.
  18. DUCA, Gh., TRAVIN, S. Molecular Oxygen Activation Mechanisms in the Environmentally Significant Chemical Technologies. In.: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A. IGI Global, 2023, vol.1. Chapter 2, p. 27-38.
  19. DUCA,Gh. Modelarea matematica a proceselor chimice. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 19-25.
  20. GONTA, M., MOCANU, L., DUCA. Gh. Redox Technologies in Wastewater Treatment for Removal of Pharmaceutical (Cephalexin) Contaminants. In.: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes, Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A. IGI Global, 2023, vol.1. Chapter 18, p. 400-416.
  21. GORBACHEV, M.; GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I.; ARSENE, I. Relationships Electronic Structure-Antioxidant Action for Chemical Compounds: A Quantum Chemical Study. Gheorghe Duca, Ashok Vaseashta (Eds.). In: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. IGI Global, USA, 2023, Ch.6, pp. 143-158. DOI:
  22. GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I.; GORBACHEV, M.; ARSENE, I.; POLINGER, V.; DUCA, GH.; BERSUKER, I.B. Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect in the Transition States of Redox Processes. Gheorghe Duca, Ashok Vaseashta (Eds.). In. Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. IGI Global, USA, 2023, Ch.4, pp. 71-110. DOI:
  23. GORBACIOV, M., GORINCIOI, N., BĂLAN, I., ARSENE, I. Studiul cuanto-chimic al relației structura electronică - acțiune antioxidantă a unor compușii chimici. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 98-122.
  24. GORINCIOI, E., BARBA, A., VICOL, C. Datele spectrale RMN - mărturii notabile în studiile interacțiunilor antioxidante: Studii de caz privind unii metaboliți din struguri. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 184-198.
  25. LIS, A., DUCA, Gh., GLADCHI, V., BUNDUCHI, E., BLONSCHI, V. Modelarea proceselor de autopurificare a apelor în prezența compușilor tiolici. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 259-289. (in tipar)
  26. LIS, A., DUCA, Gh., GLADCHI, V., BUNDUCHI, E., BLONSCHI, V. The Redox Self-purification Mechanism of Natural Waters with the Participation of Thioglycolic Acid and Thioure. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A. IGI Global, 2023, Vol.2, Chapter 3, p. 259-289.
  27. STURZA, R., COVACI, E., SUBOTIN, Iu., DRUŢĂ, R., DUCA, Gh. Polifenolii din vinurile moldovenești și implicarea lor în procese antioxidante și anti-stres. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 443-474.
  28. STURZA, R., SCUTARU, I., DUCA, Gh. Redox Processes in Grape Processing. In.: Environmental and Technological Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: IGI Global, 2023, vol.2, Chapter 15, p. 276-306.
  29. TRAVIN, S., DUCA, Gh. Electron and Proton Transfer Mechanisms from Marcus to Supramolecular Constructions. In.: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A.IGI Global, 2023, vol. 1., Chapter 1,  p.1-26.
  30. VICOL, C., DUCA, Gh. Interacțiuni antioxidante dintre unii compuși naturali din struguri. In Monografia „Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni”. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 159-183. (in tipar)
  31. VICOL, C., DUCA, Gh. Synergistic, Additive, Antagonistic Effects and the Prooxidant Character of Antioxidants. Interactions in Natural Compounds. In.: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. Duca Gh., Vaseashta A., Ed.: U.S.A.IGI Global, 2023, vol.1., Chapter 10, p. 224-249.
  32. YALTYCHENKO, O.; GORINCHOY, N.; DUCA, G. The Immune Response Modeling to a Viral Load: A Minimal Model. Gheorghe Duca, Ashok Vaseashta (Eds.) In: Fundamental and Biomedical Aspects of Redox Processes. IGI Global, USA, 2023, Chapter 13, pp. 302-314. DOI:
  33. ZINICOVSCAIA, I., DUCA, Gh. Impactul elementelor chimice determinate prin analiza de activare cu neutroni asupra calitatii mediului ambiant in Republica Moldova. In: Procese redox cu transfer de electroni și protoni.  CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 475-489.
  34. ZINICOVSCAIA, I., DUCA, Gh. Impactul elementelor chimice determinate prin analiza de activare cu neutroni asupra calitatii mediului ambiant in Republica Moldova. In Monografia „Procese redox cu transfer de  electroni și protoni”. CEP USM: Chisinau, 2023, pp. 475-489. (in tipar)
  35. VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, GH.; COVALIOVA, O.; ROMANCIUC, L. Water Safety, Security, and Sustainability - Emerging Trends and Future Pathways. In: VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. (Eds.) In: Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society. IGI Global, SUA, 2022, pp. 1-36. DOI:
  36. BUNDUCHI, E.; DUCA, Gh.; GLADCHI, V. New Kinetic Parameters for Natural Water Quality Assessment. In: VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. (Eds.) In: Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society, USA, 2022, 1, pp. 257-270.  DOI:
  37. BOGDEVICI, O.; DUCA, GH.; SIDOROFF, M.E.; STANICA, A.; PERSOIU, A.; VASEASHTA, A. Groundwater Resource Investigation Using Izotope Technology ob River-Sea System.  In: VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. (Eds.) In: Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society. IGI Global, USA, 2022, 1, pp. 87-100. DOI:
  38. GLADCHI, V.; BUNDUCHI, E.; BLONSCHI, V.; ROMANCIUC, L. Hydrochemistry of Polluted Surface Water: Case Study of Moldova. In: VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. (Eds.) In: Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society. IGI Global, USA, 2022, 1, pp. 501-529. DOI: 
  39. GLADCHI, V.; BUNDUCHI, E.; BLONSCHI, V.; ROMANCIUC, L. Chimia ecologică a apelor naturale și procese de autopurificare a sistemelor acvatice. Istoria și dezvoltarea la Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. In: Chimie ecologică: istorie și realizări: Academicianul Gheorghe Duca, 70 ani de la naștere: Monografie. Coordonatori ed.: V. Gladchi, A. Arîcu. Chișinău: CEP USM, 2022, pp. 37-85.
  40. ROMANCIUC, L. Overview of the Ecological and Environmental Chemistry International Conferences in the Republic of Moldova within the 1985-2022. In: Chimie ecologică: istorie și realizări: Academicianul Gheorghe Duca, 70 ani de la naștere: Monografie. Coordonatori ed.: V. Gladchi, A. Arîcu. Chișinău: CEP USM, 2022, pp. 284-302. ISBN 978-9975-159-05-0.
  41. GORINCIOI, N.N.; BERSUKER, I.B. Origin of puckering (buckling) of planar heterocycles and methods of its suppression. In: Heterocycles, Danielsen J.M. (ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2020, Chapter 3, pp. 129-188. ISBN: 978-1-53617-804-3. 
  42. DUCA, Gh.; COVALIOV, V.; COVALIOVA, O. Intensive Biochemical Processes of Wastewater Treatment with High Caloricity Biogas Production. In Handbook of Research. In:” Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry”. IGI Global, SUA., 2020, pp. 291-306. DOI:
  43. DUCA, Gh.; MEREUTA, A.; TĂNĂSELIA, C.; LEVEI, E.; VELISCO, N. Assessment of Surface Water Pollution With Heavy Metals. In; Handbook of Research” Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry”. IGI Global, SUA., 2020, pp. 212-228. DOI:
  44.  GLADCHI, V., BUNDUCHI, E.; ROMANCIUC, L. Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters. In:” Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry”, IGI Global, SUA, 2020, Chapter 9, pp. 197-211. DOI:
  45. POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; LUPASCU, T.; DUCA, Gh. Thermodynamic Stability of Natural Aqueous Systems. In: Handbook of Research” Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry”. IGI Global, SUA., 2020, pp. 76-108. DOI:
  46. STURZA, R.; SCUTARU, Yu.; DUCA, Gh.; Quality Management of Wines and Redox Processes. In: Proceedings of the XIVth  International Conference ”Management of Science and Engineering Management” ICMSEM, Editura: Springer, 2020, Volume 1191, pp. 583-591.
  47. VASEASHTA, A.; DUCA ,Gh,; CULIGHIN, E.; BOGDEVICI, O.; KHUDAVERDYAN, S. Smart and Connected Sensors Network for Water Contamination Monitoring and Situational Awareness. In: Functional Nanostructures and Sensors for CBRN Defence and Environmental Safety and Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security), January 2020, pp 283-296. doi:

Articles in international journals

  1. ANGHEL, L.; RADA, S.; ERHAN, R.-V. Structural Factors and Electron Transfer Mechanisms in Flavoenzymes. Analytical Letters, 2023, 56(15), pp. 2412-2425. DOI:  (IF 2,267)
  2. DUCA, Gh., LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., TRAVIN, S. Indirect photolysis of cysteine and thiourea in the aquatic environment. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2023, 557, 121682. DOI: (IF 2,8)
  3. GORBACHEV, M.YU.; GORINCHOY, N.N.; BALAN, I.I. "Electronic aspects of the synergistic antioxidant interaction of various pairs ‘phenolic food acid and glutathione’ in their reactions with the stable radical cation ABTS+". International Journal of Organic Chemistry (IJOC), Vol.13 No.3, 2023, pp. 96-108. DOI: (IF 1,26)
  4. GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I.; POLINGER, V.; BERSUKER, I.B. ”Inversion barrier in X2CE systems (X=H, F; E=O, S, Se) in their reduced and the first excited states as a Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect”. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2023, 13 p. (IF 0,5) accepted
  5. YALTYCHENKO, O.; KANAROVSKII, Ev.  Consideration of the synergy of vitamins e and c in the kinetic model of lipid peroxidation. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry, 59(4), 2023, pp. 473-478. DOI:  (IF 0,243)
  6. LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh., TRAVIN, S. Indirect photolysis of cysteine and thiourea in the presence of metal ions in the aquatic environment. In: Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2023, 560, 121832. DOI:  (IF 2,8)
  7. YUSHIN, N.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; CEPOI, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; RUDI, L.; GROZDOV, D. Praseodymium (III) Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using Living and Non-Living Arthrospira platensis Biomass. Water, 2023, 15(11), 2064, pp. 1-15.  DOI: (IF 3,530)
  8. PESHKOVA, A.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; CEPOI, L.; RUDI, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; YUSHIN, N.; SOHATSKY, A. Features of Copper and Gold Nanoparticle Translocation in Petroselinum crispum Segments. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 1754, pp. 1-14.  DOI:  (IF 5,719)
  9. IVLIEVA, A.L.; PETRITSKAYA, E.N.; ROGATKIN, D.A.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; YUSHIN, N.; GROZDOV, D. Impact of Chronic Oral Administration of Gold Nanoparticles on Cognitive Abilities of Mice. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2023, 24, 8962.  DOI: (IF 6,208)
  10. YUSHIN, N.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; CEPOI, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; RUDI, L.; GROZDOV, D. Cyanobacteria Arthospira platensis as an Effective Tool for Gadolinium Removal from Wastewater. Clean Technologies, 2023, 5, pp. 638-651.  DOI:   (IF 3,7)
  11. ABULADZE, M.; ASATIANI, N.; KARTVELISHVILI, T.; KRIVONOS, D.; POPOVA, N.; SAFONOV, A.; SAPOJNIKOVA, N.; YUSHIN, N.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I. Adaptive Mechanisms of Shewanella xiamenensis DCB 2-1 Metallophilicity. Toxics, 2023, 11, 304.  DOI:   (IF 4,472)
  12. CEPOI, L., ZINICOVSCAIA, I., CHIRIAC, T., RUDI, L., YUSHIN, N., GROZDOV, D., TASCA, I., KRAVCHENKO, E., TARASOV, K. Modification of Some Structural and Functional Parameters of Living Culture of Arthrospira platensis as the Result of Selenium Nanoparticle Biosynthesis. Materials, 2023, 16(2), 852.  DOI:  (IF 3,748)
  13. VICOL, C.; DUCA, Gh. Synergistic, Additive and Antagonistic Interactions of Grapes’ Phenolic Compounds and Organic Acids. Acta Chemica Slovenica, 2023, 70, p. 588–600. DOI:  (IF 1,2)
  14. DUCA, GH.; ARICU, A.; GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I. Celebration of Academician Isaac Bersuker’S 95th Birthday!  Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2023, 18(1), pp. 7-8. DOI:
  15. GONŢA, M., DUCA, GH., SIRBU, E., ROBU, S., MOCANU, L. Synthesis of quercetin functionalized chitosan and determination of antioxidant properties. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2023, 18(1), pp. 38-45. DOI:
  16. TALMACI, N.; DRAGANCEA, D.; GORINCIOI, E.; BOUROSH, P.; KRAVTSOV; V. Crystal structure and NMR spectroscopic characterization of 1,5-bis(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene) carbonohydrazide. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2023, 18(2), 8p. DOI:
  17. DUCA, Gh,; COVALIOV, V.; COVALIOVA, O. Novel Materials and Reactors for the Efficient Electrochemical Porduction of Hydrogen. In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2022, 21(6), 1037-1046. (IF 0,9)
  18. CEPOI, L.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; RUDI, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; DJUR, S.; YUSHIN, N.; GROZDOV, D. Assessment of Metal Accumulation by Arthrospira platensis and Its Adaptation to Iterative Action of Nickel Mono- and Polymetallic Synthetic Effluents. In: Microorganisms, 2022, 10(5), p. 1041. DOI: (IF 4,5)
  19. GORBACHEV, M.; GORINCHOY, N.; BALAN, I. Some particularities of the reaction between antioxidant phenolic acids and the free radical ABTS•+: A comparative DFT study for the gas phase and ethanol. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2022, 17(1), pp. 24-30. DOI:
  20. DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S.; VASEASHTA, A.; GLADCHI, V.; KOZLOV, Yu. Global warming – pro and contrary interpretations using modelling and analysis of two cities. In: International Journal of Global Warming (IJGW), 24(2), 2021, pp. 108-130. DOI:  (IF 0,9)
  21. GORBACHEV, M.YU., GORINCHOY, N.N., ARSENE, I. Key Role of Some Specific Occupied Molecular Orbitals of Short Chain n-Alkanes in Their Surface Tension and Reaction Rate Constants with Hydroxyl Radicals: DFT Study. In: International Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 11(1), pp. 1-13. DOI: (IF 1,26)
  22. VICOL, C.; CIMPOIU, C.; DUCA, G. Investigation of synergic/anti-synergic interactions of dihydroxifumaric acid and ascorbic acis with DPPH. In: Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 2021, 66 (2), p. 49-58. DOI:  (IF 0,56)
  23. ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; HRAMCO, C.; CHALIGAVA, O.; YUSHIN, N.; GROZDOV, D.; VERGEL, K.; DUCA, Gh. Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in mosses collected in the Republic of Moldova. In: Plants, 2021, 3(10), pp. 1-13. DOI: (IF 4,8)
  24. CIOCARLAN, A.; HRISTOZOVA, G.; ARICU, A.; DRAGALIN, I.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; YUSHIN, N.; GROZDOV, D.; POPESCU, V. Determination of the elemental composition of aromatic plants cultivated industrially in the republic of moldova using neutron activation analysis. In: Agronomy. 2021, 5(11), pp. 1-20. DOI:  (IF 4,0)
  25. ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; YUSHIN, N.; GROZDOV, D. Removal of metals from synthetic and real galvanic nickel-containing effluents by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Chemistry and Ecology, 2021, 1(37), pp. 83-103. DOI:   (IF 2,0)
  26. GORINCHOY, N., BALAN, I., POLINGER, V., BERSUKER, I. Pseudo Jahn-Teller origin of the proton-transfer energy barrier in the hydrogen-bonded [FHF]- system. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2021, nr. 1(16), pp. 115-120. DOI:
  27. LIS, A., GLADCHI, V., DUCA, Gh., TRAVIN, S. Sensitized photolysis of thioglycolic acid in aquatic environment. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2021, 1(16), pp. 46-59. DOI:
  28. GORBACHEV, M.Yu., GORINCHOY, N.N., OSIPOV, I. Accelerated decomposition of the fungicide, iprodione, on TiO2 surface under solar irradiation: experimental study and DFT mechanisms. J. Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2020, 55(10), pp. 876-888.  (IF 2,2)
  29. DUCA, Gh.; COVALIOV, V.; COVALIOVA, O. Production, Structure and Photocatalytic Properties of Nanotubular TiO2. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2020, 19(1), pp. 65-73.  (IF 0,8)
  30. CHMIELOWSKA-BAK, J.; HOLUBEK, R.; FRONTASYEVA, M.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.: ISIDOGRU, S. Tough Sprouting – Impact of Cadmium on Physiological State and Germination Rate of Soybean Seeds. Acta Societatis Botanicorum, 2020, 89(2), article 8923, 10 p. DOI: (IF 1,4)
  31. ERHAN, R.V.; BODNARCHUK, V.I.; RADULESCU, A.; ANGHEL, L. Small Angle Neutron Scattering Reveals Dimeric Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus niger at pH 5.9. Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2020, 14, pp. S5–S10. DOI:  (IF 0,4)
  32. HOLUBEK, R.; DECKERT, J.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; YUSHIN, N.; VERGEL, K. et al. The recovery of soybean plants after short-term cadmium stress. Plants, 2020, 9, 782, 17 p. DOI: (IF 4,8)
  33. HRISTOZOVA, G.; MARINOVA, S.; MOTYKA, O.; SVOZILIK, V.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I. Multivariate assessment of atmospheric deposition studies in Bulgaria based on moss biomonitors: trends between the 2005/6 and 2015/16 surveys. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, vol.27, pp. 39330-39342. DOI:  (IF 5,4)
  34. MOTYKA, O.; STRBOVA, K.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I. Chlorophyll content in two medicinal plant species following nano-TiO2 exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 104, pp. 373-379. DOI: (IF 2,4)
  35. ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; YUSHIN, N.; PANTELICA, A.; DEMCAK, Š.; MITU, A.; APOSTOL, A. Lithium biosorption by Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis biomass. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S., 2020, 27(2), pp. 271-280. DOI: (IF 1,7)
  36. DUCA, GH.; BOLOCAN, N. Understanding the chemical reactivity of dihydroxyfumaric acid and its derivatives trough conceptual DFT. In: Revista de Chimie, 2021, 72(4), pp. 162-174.
  37. ДУКА, Г.; БЛОНСКИ, В.; ГЛАДКИ, В.; ТРАВИН, С. Фотохимические превращения  тиолов на примере цистеина и их влияние на формирование редокс-состояния природных вод. В: Экологическая химия. 2021, 30(2); pp. 94–100. 
  38. BOLOCAN, N., DUCA, Gh. DFT study of geometric isomerization and keto–enol tautomerization of dihydroxyfumaric acid. In: STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXVI, 4, 2021, pp. 341-353. DOI:
  39. ZINICOVSCAIA, I., IVLIEVA, A., PETRITSKAYA, E., ROGATKIN, D., YUSHIN, N., GROZDOV, D., VERGEL, K., MAMULOVÁ-KUTLÁKOVÁ, K. Assessment of TiO2 Nanoparticles Accumulation in Organs and Their Effect on Cognitive Abilities of Mice. In: Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. 2021, 3(18), pp. 378-384. DOI:
  40. DUCA, Gh.; BLONSCHI, V.; GLADCHI, V.; TRAVIN, S. Dynamics of Different Sulfur Forms in Natural waters and Their Influence on the Redox State. American Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2020, 9(3), pp. 52-61. DOI:
  41. DUCA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S.O. Reactions’ Mechanisms and Applications of Hydrogen Peroxide. American Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2020, 9(2), pp. 36-44.
  42. ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; STURZA R.; DULIU, O.G.; GROZDOV, D.; GUNDORINA, S.; GHENDOV-MOSANU, A.; DUCA, Gh. Determination of major and minor elements in Moldavan fruits by neutron activation analysis and assessment of their provenance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(9), 7112, 19 p. DOI:
  43. КОВАЛЕВА, О., КОВАЛЕВ, В. Получение биоводорода для отопительных систем за счет биологически активных веществ. Vestnik Vologda State University (Science Journal, Vologda), 2020, 2(8), pp. 62-66.
  44. ДУКА, Г.; ЗИНЬКОВСКАЯ, И.; ГРОЗДОВ, Д. Биосорбция ионов металлов микроводорослью Spirulina plantensis. Экологическая химия, 2020, 29(1); pp. 28–35.


  1. COVALIOVA, Olga; COVALIOV, Victor; UNGUREANU, Dumitru; COPTIUG, Eduard. Instalaţie de decontaminare a toxinelor organice şi bacteriilor din mediul acvatic. Brevet MD Nr. 4738.     
  2. COVALIOV, Victor; COVALIOVA, Olga; UNGUREANU, Dumitru Instalaţie de obţinere a biogazului. Brevet MD Nr. 4744. 2021-09-30.   
  3. COVALIOV, Victor; SACHEVICI, Veaceslav; COVALIOVA, Olga; RUSNAC, Arcadie; POLESCHUK, Gheorgy. Procedeu de deodorizare a deşeurilor organice. Brevet MD nr.4750, 2021-10-31.    
  4. COVALIOV, Victor, COVALIOVA, Olga, NENNO, Vladimir, UNGUREANU, Dumitru, CIOBANU, Natalia, Dispozitiv pentru arderea fără fum a combustibilului gazos cu conţinut redus de metan. Brevet MD Nr. 4766. 2021-08-31.
  5. COVALIOV, Victor, COVALIOVA, Olga, NENNO, Vladimir, DUCA, Gheorghe, Procedeu de obţinere a biogazului. Brevet MD Nr. 4767. 2021-09-30.

National projects

1. Advanced research in computational and ecological chemistry, identification of technological procedures for treatment, formation of water quality and quantity (code 010603)
Period: 2024-2027
Subprogram manager: dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR

2. ANCD/20.80009.5007.27. Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Gheorghe DUCA

3. CSSDT/15.817.02.02F. Study of mechanisms of chemical reactions, electronic structure and physico-chemical properties of transitiom-metal coordination compounds and nanoparticles A2B6
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Natalia GORINCIOI

International projects

  1. H2020/INFRADEV-02/DANUBIUS-RI/739562. Preparatory phase for the pan-european research infrastructure DANUBIUS–RI “International centre for advanced studies on river-sea systems”
    Period: 2016-2019
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Gheorghe DUCA