Head of the laboratory dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
Office: | 424 |
Phone: | (+373 22) 73 71 44 |
Email: | oleg.bogdevici @ sti.usm.md bogdevicholeg @ yahoo.com oleg.bogdevici @ ichem.md |
Short history
The Laboratory of Environmental Quality Monitoring was established in 1978 by dr. Burghelea Nicolae under the name of Laboratory of Land Geochemistry at the Institute of Geophysics and Geology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Subsequently, the laboratory was renamed to Laboratory of Hydrogeochemistry and Laboratory of Geochemistry.
Due to the reorganization and optimization of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, which started in 2015, the laboratory was transferred to the Institute of Chemistry and renamed to Laboratory of Environmental Quality Monitoring.
- Implementation of the modern methodologies for studying the geochemistry of toxic substances in different environmental objects;
- Study of geochemistry of natural waters and evaluation of their sources of pollution;
- Research of different environmental objects for studying the processes of migration, accumulation and transformation of elements and toxic substances: heavy metals, pesticides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), etc.
office 234 |
Scientific researcher |
office 234 phone: (+373 22) 73 71 44 email: elena.culighin @ sti.usm.md, lenaculighin @ yahoo.com; elena.culighin @ ichem.md |
Scientific researcher |
office 234 phone: (+373 22) 73 71 44 email: marina.grigoras @ sti.usm.md, marinamd @ mail.ru |
Elena NICOLAU Scientific researcher |
office 133 phone: (+373 22) 73 99 38 email: elena.nicolau @ sti.usm.md, nlinks @ mail.ru; elena.nicolau @ ichem.md |
- DUCA Gh, LUPAȘCU T.,NICOLAU E.,CULIGHIN E.„Chimia ecologică și a mediului”, Universitatea de Stat ”Dimitrie Cantemir” 2018,250 p.
Chapters in monographs (national / international)
- VASEASHTA, A., DUCA, G., CULIGHIN, E., BOGDEVICI, O., KHUDAVERDYAN, S.; SIDORENKO, A. Smart and connected sensors network for watercontamination monitoring and situational awareness. Functional Nanostructures and Sensors for CBRN Defence and Environmental Safety and Security. Chapter 20, ed. A. Sidorenco, H, Hahn. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 2020, 365 p. ISBN13 9789402419115. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1909-2_20. (https://www.bookdepository.com/Functional-Nanostructures-Sensors-for-CBRN-Defence-Environmental-Safety-Security-Anatolie-Sidorenko/9789402419115?ref=grid-view&qid=1574222042922&sr=1-634 )
- BOGDEVICH, O., DUCA, Gh., SIDOROFF, M.E., STANICA, A., PERSOIU, A., VESEASTA, A. Groundwater Resource Study by Isotope Technology in International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems. In: Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society. IGI Global, 2022, pp. 87–100. ISBN13 978-1799-873-56-3. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7356-3.ch004
- BOGDEVICH O., SIDORENCO A., VASEASHTA A. „Environmental Risk Assessment Studies from POPs Polluted sites in Republic of Moldova”, capitol în culegere „Ecological Chemistry” Springer, 2018, Springer Serie: Ecology.
Articles in national / international journals
- RASTIMESINA, I., POSTOLACHI, O., JOSAN, V., BOGDEVICI, O. Microbiological characteristics of long-term contaminated soil with organochlorine pesticides. In: Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies. 2021, vol. XXV, nr 2, pp. 109-114. ISSN 2285-1364, ISSN Online 2285-1372. http://biotechnologyjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2021/issue_2/vol2021_2.pdf
- NAGAVCIUC, V., PERSOIU, A., BĂDĂLUTĂ, C. A., BOGDEVICH, O., BĂNICĂ, S., BÎRSAN, M. V., BOENGIU, S., ONACA, A., IONIȚA, M. Precipitation Stable Isotope Framework in the Wider Carpathian Region. In: Water. 2022, vol. 14, 2547. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14162547 (IF 3.53)
- POSTOLACHI, O., RASTIMESINA, I., VORONA, V., NICOLAU, E., CULIGHIN, E., BOGDEVICI, O. Dynamics of microbial population in the soil during bioremediation. In: Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie. 2023, 30(2). pp. 180-186. Print-ISSN: 1224-5119. https://www.bioresearch.ro/2023-2/180-186-AUOFB.30.2.2023-POSTOLACHI.O.-Dynamics.of.microbial.population.pdf (IF 0.5).
- TEODOROF, L., BURADA, A., DESPINA, C., SECELEANU-ODOR, D., SPIRIDON, C., TIGANUS, M., TUDOR, I. M., TUDOR, M., ENE, A., ZUBCOV, E., SPANOS, T., BOGDEVICH, O. Sediments quality assessment in terms of single and integrated indices from Romanian MONITOX network (2019 – 2020). In: Annals Dunarea de Jos Univ. Galati, Fasc. II. Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics. 2020, vol. 43, nr. 2, pp. 175-183. ISSN 1221-4531
- SPANOS, T., MITTAS, N., CHATZICHRISTOU, C., DERMENTZIS, K., TOPI, V., SPANOU, D. S., ENE, A., TEODOROF, L., ZUBCOV, E., BOGDEVICH, O. Evaluation of Potable Groundwater Quality Using Environmetrics. The case of Nestos and Strymon River Regions, Northern Greece. In: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. 2021, vol. 14, nr. 1, pp. 114 – 118. ISSN 17912377
- ОПОПОЛЬ Н.И., СЫРКУ Р.Ф., ПЫНЗАРУ Ю.В. БОГДЕВИЧ О.П. КАДОЧИНИКОВ О.П. Гигиеническая оценка содержания полициклических углеводородов в продуктах питания и их поступления в организм населения. Гигиена и Санитария, 2015, № 4 стр. 52 – 56.
- BELOUS T., BOGDEVICH O., TITOVET M., BUSUIOCC.,, JIGAU Gh., MANIC V. Groundwater level and quality in selected sectors of the middle Nistru River valley. NOOSFERA, 2016.
- DUCA GH, BOGDEVICI O. Viziunea societăţii ştiinţifice asupra strategiei UE pentru regiunea Dunării. 2016 ACADEMOS, v. 4, pp. 29-32.
- БОГДЕВИЧ О., ИСИЧКО Е.С. Инженерно-геологическое районирование города Кахула. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM. 2016, Nr 2 pp. 52-59.
- ПОЛКАНОВ В.Н., СЫРОДОЕВ Г.Н., БОГДЕВИЧ О.П., ПОЛКАНОВА А.В. О роли и содержании инженерно-геологического обоснования при проектировании дорог на оползнеопасной территории. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM. 2017, Nr 1 pp. 79-89.
- RASTEMISINA, I., POSTOLACHI, O., JOSAN, V., BOGDEVICI, O. Microbiological characteristics of long-term contaminated soil with organochlorine pesticides. In: Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies. 2021, vol. XXV, nr 2, pp. 109-114. ISSN 2285-1364, ISSN Online 2285-1372. http://biotechnologyjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/2021/issue_2/vol2021_2.pdf.
- SPANOS, T., MITTAS, N., CHATZICHRISTOU, C., DERMENTZIS, K., TOPI, V., SPANOU, D. S., ENE, A., TEODOROF, L., ZUBCOV, E., BOGDEVICH, O. Evaluation of Potable Groundwater Quality Using Environmetrics. The case of Nestos and Strymon River Regions, Northern Greece. In: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review. 2021, vol. 14, nr. 1, pp. 114 – 118. ISSN 17912377.
- TEODOROF, L., BURADA, A., DESPINA, C., SECELEANU-ODOR, D., SPIRIDON, C., TIGANUS, M., TUDOR, I. M., TUDOR, M., ENE, A., ZUBCOV, E., SPANOS, T., BOGDEVICH, O. Sediments quality assessment in terms of single and integrated indices from Romanian MONITOX network (2019 – 2020). In: Annals Dunarea de Jos Univ. Galati, Fasc. II. Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics. 2020, vol. 43, nr. 2, pp. 175-183. ISSN 1221-4531.
- CULIGHIN, E. ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES RESIDUES IN SOIL OF SOROCA DISTRICT, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2020, 15(1), p. 41-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2020.672
- ОПОПОЛЬ Н.И., СЫРКУ Р.Ф., ПЫНЗАРУ Ю.В. БОГДЕВИЧ О.П. КАДОЧИНИКОВ О.П. Гигиеническая оценка содержания полициклических углеводородов в продуктах питания и их поступления в организм населения. Гигиена и Санитария, 2015, № 4 стр. 52 – 56.
- BELOUS T., BOGDEVICH O., TITOVET M., BUSUIOCC.,, JIGAU Gh., MANIC V. Groundwater level and quality in selected sectors of the middle Nistru River valley. NOOSFERA, 2016.
- DUCA GH, BOGDEVICI O. Viziunea societăţii ştiinţifice asupra strategiei UE pentru regiunea Dunării. 2016 ACADEMOS, v. 4, pp. 29-32.
- БОГДЕВИЧ О., ИСИЧКО Е.С. Инженерно-геологическое районирование города Кахула. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM. 2016, Nr 2 pp. 52-59.
- ПОЛКАНОВ В.Н., СЫРОДОЕВ Г.Н., БОГДЕВИЧ О.П., ПОЛКАНОВА А.В. О роли и содержании инженерно-геологического обоснования при проектировании дорог на оползнеопасной территории. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie şi Seismologie al AŞM. 2017, Nr 1 pp. 79-89.
- LUPASCU, T., MITINA, T., GOREACIOC, T., CULIGHIN, E., CIBOTARU, S., POVAR, I., DEMCHENCKO, P., KOZLOV, K., VOITKO, O. Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Positive decision no. 9675 from 2020.12.11.
- DRUCIOC, S., BOGDEVICI, O., BYKOVA, E., VASILIEV, I., KIRILLOVA, T., KUZNETSOV, E., MOSANU, E. Informative Inventory Report of the Republic of Moldova, 1990-2022: Submitted under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Chișinău: Primex-Com, 2024, 70 p. ISBN 978-5-86654-137-9 https://www.ceip.at/status-of-reporting-and-review-results/2024-submission.
- BOGDEVICI, O. Apele Subterane. In: Anexa la HG din „Planul de Gestionare a Districtului Bazinului Hidrografic Nistru, Ciclul II (2024-2029)” (număr unic 324/MM/2024), pp. 51-72. https://cancelaria.gov.md/ro/content/cu-privire-la-aprobarea-planului-de-gestionare-districtului-bazinului-hidrografic-nistru. https://ichem.md/sites/default/files/2025-01/Informative%20Inventory%20Report%20of%20RM%201990-2022.pdf
National projects
- Advanced research in computational and ecological chemistry, identification of technological procedures for treatment, formation of water quality and quantity (code 010603)
Period: 2024-2027
Subprogram manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR
- ANCD/20.80009.7007.20. Study and management of pollution source for the elaboration of recommendations for implementing to reduce the negative impact on the environment and population health
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR
- CSSDT/15.817.02.19A. The complex study of geological environment for prevention of pollution and rational utilization of mineral resources
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
International projects
- HORIZON IA-101157360. Innovative sediment management in the Danube river basin (iNNOSED)
Period: 2024-2029;
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- IAEA RER7017. Ensuring water availability in a changing climate
Period: 2024-2026;
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- 23-039-23-001t. Moldova-Estimating and promoting SLCP emission reduction potential
Period: 2024-2025;
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- COST/CA19120. Water isotopes in the critical zone: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration (WATSON)
Period: 2020-2024
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- IAEA/MOL7001. Establishing capacities for isotope hydrology techniques for water resources and climate change impact evaluation.
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- IAEA/RER7013. Source, age and recharge patterns of groundwaters in SE Europe
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- INTERREG/Danube Hazard M3C. Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building (Danube Hazard M3C)
Period: 2020-2022
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- UNDP/CCAC/2019. Support for planning actions at national level to reduce short term climate pollutants
Period: 2019-2021
Project manager: dr., assoc. prof. Oleg BOGDEVICI
- CFH2020/INFRADEV-02/DANUBIUS-RI/739562. Preparatory phase for the pan-european research infrastructure DANUBIUS–RI “International centre for advanced studies on river-sea systems”
Period: 2016-2019
Project manager: Academician, dr. habilitate, prof. Gheroghe DUCA