Articole: 14

Publicații în Acces Deschis
Articole din reviste internaționale
1. ARMENTANO, Donatella; DE MUNNO, Giovanni; LLORET, Francesc; PALII, Andrew; JULVE, Miguel. Novel chiral three-dimensional iron(III) compound exhibiting magnetic ordering at Tc = 40 K. In: Inorganic Chemistry. 2002, pp. 2007-2013. ISSN 0020-1669, DOI: 10.1021/ic011100o
2. AROMÍ, Guillem; BATSANOV, Andrei S.; CHRISTIAN, Paul; HELLIWELL, Madeleine A.; PARKIN, Andrew; PARSONS, Simon F.; SMITH, Andrew A.; TIMKO, Grigore; WINPENNY, Richard E.P.. Synthetic and Structural Studies of Cobalt-Pivalate Complexes. In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 2002, pp. 5142-5161. ISSN 0947-6539, DOI: 10.1002/chem.200304993
3. BOUROSH, Pavlina; COROPCEANU, Eduard; SIMONOV, Yurii A.; GDANIEC, Maria; BOLOGA, Olga; GERBELEU, Nicolae. Cobalt(III) α-dimethylglyoximates [Co(DH)2(Py) 2]2SiF6·10H2O and [Co(DH)2(Thio)2]2SiF6·2H 2O·C2H5OH: Synthesis and structure. In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 2002, pp. 647-655. , DOI: 10.1023/A:1020095101054
4. CHEKAL, Al; COLISNIC, Dan; PARASKIVESKU, A.; POPA, Karin; SÎNGEREAN, Lidia; TIMKO, Grigore. Radiolytic decomposition of water in the presence of some solid catalysts. In: Revista de Chimie. 2002, pp. 308-311. ISSN 0034-7752.
5. DESYATNIK, A.; GERBELEU, Nicolae; COROPCEANU, Eduard; TYURINA, Zh.; LABLYUK, S.; BOLOGA, Olga; KLAPKO, S.. The use of Co(III) dimethylglyoximates in the biosynthesis of Rhizopus arrhizus pectinases. In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 2002, pp. 135-136. , DOI: 10.1023/A:1014240303176
6. DRĂGAN, Ecaterina Stela; MAFTULEAC, Alexei; DRANKA, I.; GHIMICI, Luminiţa; LUPASCU, Tudor. Flocculation of montmorillonite by some hydrophobically modified polycations containing quaternary ammonium salt groups in the backbone. In: Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2002, pp. 871-876. ISSN 0021-8995, DOI: 10.1002/app.10371
7. GORBACHEV, Mikhail. Influence of intra-molecular conformational transitions and some physico-chemical quantities of liquids on their thermal conductivity. In: Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. 2002, pp. 395-403. ISSN 0031-9104, DOI: 10.1080/0031910021000004928
8. LUPASCU, Tudor; CIOBANU, Mihail; TIMBALIUC, Nina. Use of oxidized activated carbons in water treatment processes. In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2002, pp. 169-176. ISSN 1582-9596, DOI: 10.30638/eemj.2002.015
9. MALINOVSKII, Stanislav; COROPCEANU, Eduard; BOLOGA, A.; BELSKII, Vitalii. Synthesis and structure of Co(III) coordination compounds [Co(DH) 2(Anil)2][BF4] and [Co(DH)2(Py) 2][BF4]. In: Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya. 2002, pp. 346-351. , DOI: 10.1023/A:1015521317602
10. OVERGAARD, Jacob; IVERSEN, Bo Brummerstedt; PALII, Sergiu; TIMKO, Grigore; GERBELEU, Nicolae; LARSEN, Finn Krebs. Host-Guest chemistry of the chromium-wheel complex [Cr8F8(tBuCO2)16]: Prediction of inclusion capabilities by using an electrostatic potential distribution determined by modeling synchrotron X-ray structure factors at 16 K. In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 2002, pp. 2775-2786. ISSN 0947-6539, DOI: 10.1002/1521-3765(20020617)8:12<2775::AID-CHEM2775>3.0.CO
11. STORCH, Herbert; CONSTANTINESCU, Elena; ANDREI, Monica; DIMA, Gabriela E.; TURTA, Constantin; LAZARESKU, Ana. Cyclic voltammetric study of the trinuclear complexes [Fe 3O(CH3COO)6(H2O)3]NO 3 and [Fe3O(+H3NCH 2COO-)6(H2O)3](NO 3)7. In: Revue Roumaine de Chimie. 2002, pp. 67-70. ISSN 0035-3930.
12. VAN SLAGEREN, Joris; SESSOLI, Roberta; GATTESCHI, Dante; SMITH, Andrew A.; HELLIWELL, Madeleine A.; WINPENNY, Richard E.P.; CORNIA, Andrea; BARRA, Anne Laure; JANSEN, Aloysius G. M.; RENTSCHLER, Eva; TIMKO, Grigore. Magnetic anisotropy of the antiferromagnetic ring [Cr8F8Piv16]. In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 2002, pp. 277-285. ISSN 0947-6539, DOI: 10.1002/1521-3765(20020104)
Articole din reviste naționale
Alte reviste
1. PARŞUTIN, Vladimir; ШОЛТОЯН, Н.; СИДЕЛЬНИКОВА, Светлана; ВОЛОДИНА, Галина; ЛОЗАН, В.; БОЛОГА, О. А.; ГЭРБЭЛЭУ, Николай. Гидразин – 1,1 – диуксусная кислота как ингибитор коррозии углеродистой стали Ст. 3 в водных средах. In: Электронная обработка материалов. 2002, nr. 2(38), pp. 84-92. ISSN 0013-5739.
Articole în culegeri internaționale
1. MAKAEV, Fliur; BETS , Ludmila; SHEPELI, Felix; ARÎCU, Aculina; POGREBNOI, Serghei; CARUNTU, A.. Syntheses on sclareol’s base 1. Nitrogen contained derivatives of norambrenolide. In: Новые технологии получения и применения биологически активных веществ . Тезисы, 20-25 mai 2002, Alushta. Симферополь: Прирамида-Крым, 2002,