A new scientific idea usually has a hard time finding its way. At first, it is dismissed by everyone. Venerable authorities say it's nonsense. After a while, the first doubts appear, and some people allow themselves to say that there may be some truth in it. A few years later, everyone said the idea was so obvious that everyone knew about it, and any student could have said it. I was told about this somewhat amusing evolution of human attitudes toward the new мany years ago by my then-supervisor, Isaac Bersuker, a prominent Moldovan scientist. However, at that time, I only guessed about [...]
Keyword archive: Academician Isaac Bersuker
| Vizualizări: 279
SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING AND JAHN-TELLER EFFECTS dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER February 10, 2023, at 16:00 pm (Chisinau time), in a hybrid way (face-to-face and online) 1, Stefan cel Mare și Sfant bd., Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Blue Hall The Institute of Chemistry of the Moldova State University and the Academy of Science of Moldova with a great pleasure invite you to a scientific webinar entitled: ”Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Jahn-Teller Effects, dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER”. To be held on February 10, 2023, at [...]
| Vizualizări: 71
In the context of the proclamation by the United Nations of the year 2022 as the International Year of Fundamental Sciences, and the creation within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova of the scientific platform for communication in the field of fundamental sciences "Fundamental sciences for sustainable development of society", it is important to highlight the best discoveries of researchers from the Republic of Moldova made over the years, which continue to lead to the development of areas of basic research and practical applications. On April 17, 1978, the scientific discovery of academician [...]