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dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER
February 10, 2023, at 16:00 pm (Chisinau time), in a hybrid way (face-to-face and online)
1, Stefan cel Mare și Sfant bd., Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Blue Hall
The Institute of Chemistry of the Moldova State University and the Academy of Science of Moldova with a great pleasure invite you to a scientific webinar entitled: ”Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Jahn-Teller Effects, dedicated to the 95th birthday of Academician Isaac BERSUKER”.
To be held on February 10, 2023, at 16:00 pm (Chisinau time) in a hybrid way (face-to-face and online).
Venue: 1, Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt bd., Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Blue Hall.
For remote connection, the following link is available:
The event is organized within the State Program 2020-2023, project: ”Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems (20.80009.5007.27)”.