Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova

Academiei, Str., 3,  Chisinau, MD 2028, Republic of  Moldova
Phone: (373)22 725490; (373)22 738409

E-mail: [email protected]

Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova (SCRM) was established in 2002 and has a direct scope to unite all the persons with higher education involved in research, education, industry and other branches of economy and fields of activity useful for society, in order to reach the following objectives:

  • Promotion of chemistry in all aspects;
  • Participation in outlining the priority directions in chemistry, elaboration of research programs, reviewing the projects and the obtained research results;
  • Promoting the integration in European research area;
  • Participation in national, regional and international projects and programs in the field of research and innovation;
  • Awarding the honorary titles, prizes and medals, diplomas and mentions for the remarkable results in chemistry in the country and abroad;
  • Strengthening the impact of research on education. Contributing to organization and conducting of competitions and olympiads on chemistry;
  • Supporting the entrepreneurships using the innovations in the field of chemistry;
  • Organization of public and academic lectures, scientific seminars, sessions of communications, collocvia, symposia, conferences and congresses of national and international interest;
  • Helping the institutions and economic entities in resolving of the scientific research problems;
  • Promotion of collaboration with similar societies in the country and worldwide, as well as with federations, unions or other international organisms in the field of chemistry and science in general;
  • Promotion of young researchers and support in participation in the events of scientific character in the country and abroad. Support in obtaining the scholarships;
  • Ensuring the permanent information flow between the experts form the country and abroad.

    Governing bodies

Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova is a public, non-governmental, non-profit organization, established through the free will manifestation of associated persons, in view to realize in common the scopes oytlined in the statute. The Supreme Body of CSRM is a General Assembly of the Society, called annually and on necessity. Between the General Assemblies, the Society is headed by the CSRM Bureau consisted of five members:

President – Acad. Gheorghe DUCA

Prime-Deputy President – Acad. Tudor LUPASCU

Deputy President – Dr. Viorica GLADCHI

General Secretary – Dr. habilitate Aculina ARICU

Techinical Secretary - Elena CULIGHIN

Scientific potential of Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova makes over 160 persons, including 2 full members of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 1 corresponding member, 17 habilitate doctors and 66 Ph.Ds in chemical sciences.

  • Institute of Chemistry – 114 persons;
  • Faculty of Chimstry and Chemical technology, Moldova State University – 41 persons;
  • Institute of Applied Physics – 4 persons;
  • Institue of Ecology and Geography – 4 persons.


 Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova comprises the following areas:

  • Agrochemistry
  • Food Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry and Chemical                Thermodynamics
  •  Inorganic Chemistry
  •  Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Biopharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Bioinorganic and Natural                                Compounds Chemistry
  • Coordination Chemistry  
  • Quantum Chemistry
  • Ecological and Environmental                        Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry and Sorbents Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry  
  • Chemical Kinetics and                Catalysis
  • Chemical Education
  • Geochemistry
  • Chemical Technology

International and National Collaboration

Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova promotes collaboration with similar societies from all around the world, as well as with federations, unions or other  international organisms in the field of chemistry and science in general.

On the base of Cooperation Agreements, Chemical Society collaborate with the Chemical Society of Belarus and Chemical Society of Poland, higher education institutions and research institutions of the same profile abroad. Chemical Society is open for cooperation in the above-mentioned scopes.  

Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova collaborate with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, educational entities and other national research organizations and institutions, as well as organizations from other branches of national economy.

Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova have contributed to organization and conducting of the following scientific events:

  • 9-11 October, 2019 – International Conference ”Research and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry” dedicated to 60th Anniversary of foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (180 participants from 16 countries);
  • 28-31 August, 2017 – IVth International Conference ”Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in the Central and Eastern Europe”,  Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 300 participants from 35 countries);
  • 1-4 March, 2017 –  VIth International Conference ”Ecological and Environmental Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 400 participants from 22 countries);
  • 8-9 October, 2015 – XVIIIth International Conference ”Physical Methods in Coordinative and Supramolecular Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 150 participants from 12 countries);
  • 28-30 May, 2014 – International Conference dedicated to 55th Anniversary of the foundation of Institute of Chemistry of ASM (over 150 participants from 10 countries);
  • 24–26 October, 2012 –XVIIth International Conference “Physical Methods in Coordinative and Supramolecular Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 300 participants from 18 countries);
  • 1-4 March, 2012 – Vth International Conference ”Ecological Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (150 participants from 15 countries);
  • 5 May, 2011 – Conference of Chemists from Romania and Republic of Moldova entitled “Chemistry is our life, our future”, dedicated to the International Year of Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 150 participants from three countries).
  • 22–23 November, 2010 – Scientific Session Chișinău-Iaşi “Chemistry without Frontures”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (50 participants from Romania and Republic of Moldova);
  • 26-28 May, 2009 – Aniversary International Conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of  the foundation of Institute of Chemistry of ASM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (150 participants from 14 countries);
  • 1-3 October, 2007 – IInd International Conference of Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova: ”Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republica Moldova (144 participants from 14 countries);
  • 27 September - 1 October, 2006 – XVth International Conference „Physical Methods in Coordinative and Supramolecular Chemistry” and XVIIth - ”Lectures in the memory of Academician A. Ablov”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (250 participants from 15 countries);
  • 10-12 October, 2005 – IInd Moldo-Polish-Ucrainian Sympozium on Coordinative Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 400 participants from 20 countries);
  • 20-24 June, 2005 – XXIInd International Conference on Coordinative Chemistry ”I. Ciugaev”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (over 200 participants from 12 countries);
  • 20-21 May, 2005 – IIIrd International Conference ”Ecological Chemistry”, Chisinău, Republic of Moldova (470 participants from 38 countries);
  • 6-8 October, 2003 – First International Conference of Chemical Society of the Republic of Moldova: ”Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (160 participants from 9 countries).
    How to become a member

Member of the Society could become any citizen of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the foreign citizens, persons without citizenship with domicile in the Republic of Moldova, who recongize and support the objectives of the Society. Candidacy of the future member, as well as the retreat from its rows is discussed at the session of Administrative Council, with obligatory presence of the respective candidate. The decision on acception or retreat of a member will be further brought to attention of the General Assembly.