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The Academy of Science of Moldova and Institute of Chemistry of Moldova State University organize an academic lecture by Professor Ashok Vaseashta, from the International Clean Water Institute, USA entitled: "Future of Water” Challenges and Solutions Using Nature-inspired and Bioplastics-based Nexus of Exponential Technologies.
Academic lecture to be held physically and online on February 8, 2023, at 11:00 am (Chisinau time).
For remote connection, the following link is available:
Meeting ID: 899 0296 5444
Passcode: 080223
Academics, university professors, scientific researchers, Ph.D. and master's students, water specialists, ecologists, businessmen, representatives of the mass media, policymakers from the Ministry of Environment, and deputies are cordially invited.
The event is organized within the ANCD State Program 2020-2023, project: Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems (20.80009.5007.27).