Development of formulations against tomato phytopathogens based on autochthonous natural substances and their derivatives


Project for Young Researchers for 2024-2025

Strategic direction

V. Innovative technologies, sustainable energy, digitization

Project manager
  1. Dr. Vsevolod POGREBNOI
  2. Dr. Dmitri BILAN
  3. Sergiu COJOCARI
  4. Dr. Cristina GRAJDINAR (Institute of Genetics, Physiology, and Plant Protection of MSU)
  5. Dr. Lilia Cazacu,
  6. Daniil Feldman

The project is dedicated to obtaining formulations with antiviral, fungicidal and immunostimulating properties for their use in agriculture. The composition of thetargeted formulations will contain chitosan, a natural compound obtained from local sources - bee colonies, with the addition of different active substances of naturalor synthetic origin. The project will be carried out in 5 main stages and will include the synthesis of bioactive compounds, previously established by the project team(chitosan, spiro[cyclopropane-oxindoles], vinyltriazoles); preparing formulations for treating plants and establishing optimal concentrations of active substances inthem; determining the corelation between the bioactivity and the chemical structure of the compounds, and evaluating the structure of the substance with the highestpotential activity by quantum-chemical methods; synthesis of the compounds modeled by computational methods; establishing the optimal concentration of thesolutions of substances proposed for the treatment of plants. Moreover, in collaboration with the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection of USM,biological testing of the formulations obtained on plants will be carried out. The project will search for new and more effective drug candidates. Two strategies will beapplied to achieve this objective. First of all, formulations will be obtained with the content of the previously developed natural and synthetic products. Second, a newlibrary of mimetic derivatives will be obtained by computational prediction of the activity of new derivatives and their synthesis. Both strategies will use advancedapproaches to generate new bioactive formulations that deliver economic and social benefits. In the final stage of the announced project, the components of theformulations will be optimized to obtain the most promising ones and laboratory regulations will be developed to expand production for their use in agriculture for theprotection of plants against phytopathogens.

Results, activities

Summary of the activity and results obtained in 2024

The main objective of the 2024 stage of the project was to develop bioactive formulations with fungicidal and immunostimulatory properties for use in agriculture, focusing on protecting tomatoes from diseases. Specific objectives included the synthesis of triazolic and spiro[cyclopropan-oxindole] compounds, obtaining chitosan from natural sources, developing formulations with different compositions, and studying the fungicidal and growth-stimulating properties of the tested substances.

Natural sources such as champignon mushrooms and dead bees were used to obtain chitosan. Additionally, a synthetic chitosan solution was prepared for comparison. The process involved specific hydrolysis conditions in the presence of hydrochloric acid.

For the targeted synthesis of compounds with fungicidal activity, six new substances from the triazole series were synthesized and characterized using physico-chemical methods, along with four compounds from the spiro[cyclopropan-oxindole] series with antiviral potential. Four triazolic compounds with patented fungicidal properties were also sourced from the laboratory's stock for biological testing on tomatoes.

A total of 30 preparative formulations with varying concentrations and compositions of active substances were developed. These formulations included simple solutions, mixtures with chitosan, and solutions stabilized with surfactants.

Biological tests on fungicidal properties demonstrated that the tested substances were effective against Fusarium spp., with efficiency comparable to commercial preparations such as Topaz and Fitosporin. The activity was validated through qPCR analysis of the pathogen DNA.

The effects on tomato growth were also studied. It was observed that the tested substances had a stimulatory effect on root and stem growth, particularly under biotic stress conditions.

Among the most notable results obtained were: -four previously patented substances for activity against wheat fungi showed promising results against tomato fungi; -the newly synthesized substances demonstrated significant biological activity, offering prospects for their use in agricultural treatments; -both natural and synthetic chitosan exhibited fungicidal effects and proved useful in the tested formulations, including combinations with active substances; -in vitro tests confirmed the antimicrobial activity of the preparations against several species of bacteria and fungi.

The scientific impact of the project lies in the generation of new knowledge about the structure-activity relationship of bioactive compounds, contributing to the development of advanced synthesis and evaluation methodologies. The social impact involves the potential reduction of agricultural losses through the use of eco-friendly alternatives to conventional fungicides, supporting sustainability. The developed formulations provide opportunities for producing innovative commercial products, reducing treatment costs and losses caused by pathogens.

Challenges encountered included delays in reagent delivery, which limited the variation possibilities of the synthesized substances.

  1. SUCMAN, N., POGREBNOI, V., POGREBNOI, S., COJOCARI, S., GRAJDIERU, K., LUPASCU, L., MACAEV. F. Sinteza și caracterizarea derivaților de triazol cu proprietăți fungicide pentru aplicații în medicină și agricultură. În: Al X-lea congres al farmaciștilor din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională, 22 noiembrie 2024, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, pp. 69-71.