Title/degree | Doctor habilitate |
Position | Principal scientific researcher |
Laboratory | Ecological Chemistry |
Office | 311 |
Phone/fax | (+373 22) 73 99 92 |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Professional links |

Research areas
Study of the adsorption of inorganic and organic substances from aqueous solutions on carbon adsorbents
Relevant publications
- MIHAI CIOBANU, TUDOR LUPAŞCU. Adsorbanţi carbonici. Tipografia “Biotehdesign” Chişinău, 2018. 90p.
- DUCA, Gh: CIOBANU, M: LUPAŞCU, T: POVAR, I. Adsorption of strontium ions from aqueous solutions on nut shells activated carbons. Chemistry Journal of Moldova 2018 DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2018.494.
- CIOBANU, M; LUPAŞCU, T; MITINA, T; POVAR, I. Adsorption of Sr2+ ions from aqueous solutions on the activated carbon CAN-7 under dynamic conditions. International symposium “The environment and industry” SIMI, Proceedings book. DOI: http: //doi.org/10.21698/simi.2018. fp02, pp. 23-29.
- LUPAŞCU, T; CIOBANU, M; NASTAS, R: PETUHOV,O. Obtaining and study of new activated carbons for ecologically sustainable technologies. International symposium “The environment and industry” SIMI, 2018 Book of abstracts. DOI: http: //doi.org/10.21698/simi.2018.ab 11. Poster.
- T.LUPASCU, M.CIOBANU, V.BOŢAN. Use of modified carbons in the process of hydrogen sulfide adsorption/oxidation. International Symposion ”The Environment and The Industry” Bucharest.2015. October 29-30.p.61.
- CIOBANU, M.; LUPAŞCU, T.; MITINA, T. Adsorption of Sr2+ from water solutions on active carbon CAN-7 in dynamic conditions. The 6th International Conference „ECOLOGICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY- 2017. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 134.
- LUPAŞCU, T; CIOBANU, M; PETUHOV, O. Inflexion points on the isotherms of strontium ion on oxidated actived carbons. International Conference “ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY” 9-11 2019, p.15.
- LUPAŞCU,T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOŢAN,V.; CAŢER,R. Procedeu de purificare a apelor subterane de hidrogen sulfurat, ioni de fier(II) şi mangan(II). Brevet de invenţie MD 4288 CI 2015.01.31.
- LUPAŞCU,T.; CIOBANU, MIHAIL.; BOŢAN, V.; CAŢER R. Procedeu de purificare a apelor de profunzime de ioni de amoniu,ammoniac şi hydrogen sulfurat. Brevet de invenţie MD 4435. 2016-09-30.
- CIOBANU, M.; LUPAŞCU, T. Procedeu de îndepărtare a ionilor de amoniu şi a nitriţilor din apele de profunzime. 2017 0056.
National projects
- ANCD/20.80009.7007.21. Reducing the effects of toxic chemicals on the environment and health through the use of adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU - CSSDT/15.817.02.16A. Controlling of sorption-structural characteristics of carbonaceous and mineral adsorbents and multifunctional materials for the purpose of their use in practice
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU