Grinco Marina

Title/degree Doctor, assoc. prof.
Position Leading scientific researcher
Laboratory Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Compounds
Office 310
Phone/fax (+373 22) 73 97 75
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Research areas

Fine organic synthesis, bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds, physico-chemical methods of analysis.

Relevant publications

Articles in international journals (Web of Science and SCOPUS)

  1. MORARESCU, O., GRINCO, M., KULCIŢKI, V., SHOVA, S., UNGUR, N. An Alternative Approach towards C-12 Functionalized Scalaranic Sesterterpenoids. Synthesis of 17-Oxo-20-norscalaran-12α,19-O-lactone. In: Marine Drugs, 2021, 19(11), 636. DOI: (FI 5.118).
  2. МОРАРЕСКУ, О., ГРИНЬКО, М., КУЛЬЧИЦКИЙ, В., БАРБА, А., ГАРБУЗ, О., ГУЛЯ, А. УНГУР, Н. Синтез высокофункционализированных биологически активных тетрациклических дитерпеноидов из энт-каур-16-ен-19-овой кислоты в модифицированных условиях реакции Прево–Вудворда. In: Журнал Органической Химии, 2021, том 57, № 12, с. 1706–1716. (FI 0.959).
  3. MORARESCU, O., GRINCO, M., KULCIŢKI, V., Barba, A., Garbuz, O.; Gulea, A.; Ungur, N. Synthesis of highly functionalized biologically active tetracyclic diterpenoids from ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid under modified Prévost-Woodward reaction conditions. In: Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 57, 1931.  DOI: (FI 0.723).
  4. MORARESCU, O., GRINCO, M., KULCIŢKI, V., BARBA, A., GARBUZ, O., GUDUMAC, V., GULEA, A., UNGUR, N. A straightforward synthesis of natural oxygenated ent-kaurenoic acid derivatives. In: Synthetic communications, 2020, 50.
    DOI: (FI 1.796).


  1. MORARESCU, O., GRINCO, M., KULCIȚKI, V., UNGUR, N. A short and efficient synthesis of a C(12)-functionalized norscalarane. In: The 21st Tetrahedron Symposium - Online, 21 - 24 June 2021. (Reg. number: ETR2021_0497).
  2. GRINCO, M., BARBA, A., KULCIŢKI, V. Extraction of pharmaceutical grade lignins and their ozonolytic cleavage in a deep eutectic solvent. In: New frontiers in natural product chemistry. Online scientific seminar, Chisinau, June 4, 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 28. DOI/IBN:
  3. GRINCO, M.; BARBA, A.; DUCA, G.; UNGUR, N.; KULCIȚKI, V. The use of qNMR spectroscopy for analytical evaluation of natural extracts. The case of Apple pomace. In: New frontiers in natural product chemistry. Online scientific seminar, Chisinau, June 4, 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 29. DOI/IBN:
  4. GÎRBU, V., GRINCO, M., BARBĂ, A., DUCA, GH., UNGUR, N., KULCIȚKI, V. Utilizarea spectroscopiei RMN pentru evaluarea analitică a extractelor de levănțică. Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-practică Națională cu participare Internațională „Actualități și perspective în studiul farmaceutic al plantelor medicinale”. Chișinău, 01 Octombrie 2021. p. 83.

National projects

  1. ANCD/20.80009.8007.03. New products with preventive and therapeutic potential basing on natural products of vegetal origin and modern methods of organic synthesis
    Period: 2020-2023
    Project manager: Dr. habilitat Veaceslav KULCIȚKI 
  2. CSSDT/15.817.02.14A. Elaboration of methods for obtaining valuable terpenoids by valorization of renewable resources from Republic of Moldova
    Period: 2015-2019
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Nicon UNGUR

International projects:

  1. AȘM-CNCI/15.820.16.02.02/it. Synthesis of guanidine terpenoids with relevant biological activity and therapeutic potential.
    Period: 2015-2016;
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Nicon UNGUR

  2. AȘM-CNCI/18.80013.16.02.02/it. Synthesis of guanidine terpenoids with relevant biological activity and therapeutic potential.
    Period: 2018-2019;
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Nicon UNGUR

  3. SCOPES/IZ73Z0-152346. Modification of natural compounds mediated by free radicals
    Period: 2015-2016
    Project manager: Dr. habilitat Veaceslav KULCIȚKI 

  4. AȘM-STCU/15.820.18.03.07/5984STCU. Unconventional green processes for processing renewable raw materials.
    Period: 2015-2017;
    Project manager: Dr. habilitat Veaceslav KULCIȚKI