Title | - |
Position | Scientific researcher |
Laboratory | Bioinorganic Chemistry and Nanocompozite |
Office | 201a |
Phone/fax | (+373 22) 73 97 22 |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Professional links | IBN |

Research areas
Synthesis and study of homo- and heteronuclear coordinating compounds of transition metals with polyfunctional ligands; Synthesis and study of mono- and polynuclear compounds with Schiff bases, biologically active coordinating compounds. Application of mono- and polynuclear clusters to control bacteriosis in plants as well as in pharmaceuticals
Relevant publications
- Popa T., Druţă V., Shova S., Lozan V.:"SYNTHESIS AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF Ni(II) COORDINATION COMPOUNDS WITH BIS-THIOSEMICARBAZONE OF 2,6-DIFORMYL-4-METHYLPHENOL", Book of Abstracts, 9th International Conference Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, September 25-28, 2018, DSCM P30, p. 141
- Tudor Jovmir, Popa Tatiana, Balan Greta, Burduniuc Olga, Lucian Lupascu, Gulea Aurelian, Lozan Vasile „WATER-SOLUBLE DICOPPER COMPLEX HAVING ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY”, Book of Abstracts, International Conference „ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY” (dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry), October, 9-11, 2019 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, P51, p. 117
- Tatiana Popa, Vadim Druta, Sergiu Shova, Vasile Lozan “SYNTHESIS AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF Cu(II) COORDINATION COMPOUND WITH BIS-THIOSEMICARBAZONE OF 2,6-DIFORMYL-4-METHYLPHENOL”, Book of Abstracts, International Conference „ACHIEVEMENTS AND PERSPECTIVES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY” (dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry), October, 9-11, 2019 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, P72, p. 138
- POPA Tatiana, “Sinteza şi studiul combinațiilor complexe ale unor metale 3dcu liganzi în baza tiosemicarbazideiși 2,6-diformil-4-metilfenolului”, Conferința Științifică a studenților și masteranzilor cu participare internațională cu genericul „Viitorul ne aparține’’, ediția a X-a, Chișinău, 2020, p. 80
- Patent 4663 B1, MD, a 2019 0004. Aplicare a 2,6-bis(S-metilizotiosemicarbazidometiliden)-4-metilfenolato- tricloro- dicupruhidratîncalitate de remediu contra bacteriilorfitopatogene /LUPAŞCU Lucian, JOVMIR Tudor, POPA Tatiana, LOZAN Vasile (MD). Cererea depusă la 28.01.2019, BOPI nr 12/2019.
- Patent 4687 B1, MD, a 2019 0026. Compushidrosolubil 2,6- bis(S-metilizotiosemicarbazidometiliden)-4-metilfenolato-tricloro- dicupru - hidratpentruutilizareîncalitate de remediufarmaceuticselectiv contra bacteriilor Gram-pozitive/ JOVMIR Tudor; BĂLAN Greta; POPA Tatiana; DRUŢĂ Vadim; GULEAAurelian; LOZAN Vasile (MD). Cerereadepusă la 04.04.2019, BOPI nr 04/2020.
- Patent 4696 B1, MD, a 2019 0027. Compushidrosolubil 2,6- bis(S-metilizotiosemicarbazidometiliden)-4-metilfenolato-tricloro- dicupru - hidratpentruutilizareîncalitate de remediuantimicotic/ JOVMIR Tudor; BURDUNIUC Olga; POPA Tatiana; DRUŢĂ Vadim; GULEA Aurelian; LOZAN Vasile (MD). Cerereadepusă la 04.04.2019, BOPI nr 05/2020.
National projects
- ANCD/20.80009.5007.04. New materials based on coordination compounds of metals with polyfunctional ligands as porous polymers, catalysts, biologically active substances and nanostructured compounds
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Vasile LOZAN - CSSDT/15.817.02.01F. Mono- and polynuclear coordination compounds of metals (transition and s-type) as photocatalyst, porous and nanostructured materials for water photolysis as components of energetical security
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Vasile LOZAN