Mobility program of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and CNC Italy
Acad. LUPASCU Tudor |
Methodologies of investigation for the development of sustainable industrial, electrical and electronic waste treatment processes were identified. The optimal conditions for extracting gold were determined thermodynamically. The notion of a generalized process equation was used to describe the solubilisation of gold by oxidation with copper (II) compounds in the presence of ammonia and thiosulphate. The best parameters were applied for recovery over 90% Au with low cost of treatment. The optimization of the innovative integrated circuit is characterized by the lowest energy consumption and impact on the environment, as well as by a high degree of purity of the obtained products.
Scientific seminar December 4, 2018
A scientific seminar was organized within the Moldovan-Italian bilateral project "Thermodynamic optimization of innovative processes developed for the recovery of industrial waste containing precious metals". The event was addressed to a wide circle of researchers, PhD students, master students and students from different fields of chemistry. The main purpose of the seminar was to familiarize the audience with the latest trends in the recovery of precious substances from mining and industrial waste through innovative techniques. Programm:
Round table, May 5-8, 2019 |
Dr. Stefano Ubaldini, head of the research team at the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering (IGAG) in Italy, Rome, was on a working visit. |
Round table, October 8-12, 2019 |
Italian partners – Dr. Stefano Ubaldini, Dr. Francesca Trapasso and Dr. Daniela Guglietta paid a visit to Moldova to participate at the International Conference "Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry which took place on October 9-11, 2019 in Chisinau. At the mentioned Conference Dr. Stefano Ubaldini had a plenary presentation entitled “Exploitation of secondary raw materials: application of innovative processes for valorization of mining wastes” and Dr. Francesca Trapasso had an oral communication entitled “Strategies for classification and reuse of iron and manganese mining wastes ”. |
- POVAR, I.; UBALDINI, S.; SPINU, O.; LUPASCU, T. Thermodynamic analysis of the copper (I) homogeneous and heterogeneous speciation in ammonium thiosulfate leaching systems. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2019, 97(9), 651-658. ISSN 0008-4042 (print) 1.084)
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; PINTILIE, B.; UBALDINI, S. Revised Pourbaix diagrams for the vanadium – water system. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering. 2019, 9 (2), 75-84. ISSN 1847-9286.
- POVAR, I.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. Thermodynamic Stability Areas of Polyvanadates of Alkaline Earth Metals. Journal of Chemistry. 2019, Article ID 7091781, 6 pages. ISSN: 2090-9071 (Online).
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O. Methods of extracting of the valuable metals from industrial wastewater. Lucrările Conferinței științifice internaționale „Perspectivele și problemele integrării în Spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației”, 7 iunie, 2018, Cahul, Republica Moldova, 308-312. ISBN 978-9975-88-040-4. (in Russian)
- POVAR, I.; UBALDINI, S.; LUPASCU, T.; SPINU O.; PINTILIE, B. The solution chemistry of the Copper (II) - Ammonia - Thiosulfate aqueous system. Proceedings Book of the 21ST International Symposium “The Environment and Industry”, 20-21 September 2018, Bucharest, Romania, 162-169. ISSN-L: 1843-5831.
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. Thermodynamic analysis of the degree of precipitation of poorly soluble hydroxides and salts in industrial waste water. Proceeding of the International Scientific Environmental Conference „Waste, the reasons of their education and prospects for use”, March 26-27, 2019, Krasnodar, Russia, 230-233.ISBN 978-5-00097-843-6
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O. Studiul termodinamic al sistemului “Cu(II) – NH3 – S2O32- - H2O”. Lucrările Conferinței Științifice Naționale cu participare internațională „Știința și inovarea în nordul Republicii Moldova: probleme, realizări, perspective” (ediția a treia), 20-21 iunie, 2019, Bălţi, Republica Moldova, 10-14. ISBN 978-9975-3316-1-6
- SPINU, O.; POVAR, I. Studiul Termodinamic al Sistemului “Cu(I) – NH3 – S2O32- - H2O”. Lucrările Conferinței Științifice Naționale cu participare internațională „Știința și inovarea în nordul Republicii Moldova: probleme, realizări, perspective” (ediția a treia), 20-21 iunie, 2019, Bălţi, Republica Moldova, 14-18. ISBN 978-9975-3316-1-6.
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O. Thermodynamic analysis of removing the heavy metals by precipitation in industrial wastewaters. Book of Abstracts of the Republican Scientific Conference on Analytical Chemistry with international participation "Analytics RB - 2018", May 16-19, 2018, Minsk, Belarus, 275-276. (in Russian)
- POVAR, I.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; SPINU, O.; UBALDINI, S.; LUPASCU, T.; DUCA, GH. Equilibrium study of the removal of heavy metals from industrial effluents by chemical processes and biosorption. Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering „Innovative Materials and Processes for a Sustainable Development”, October 31-November 2, 2018, Iasi, Romania.
- UBALDINI, S.; POVAR, I.; LUPASCU, T.; SPINU, O.; TRAPASSO, F.; PASSERI, D.; CARLONI, S.; GUGLIETTA, D. Exploitation of secondary raw materials: application of innovative processes for valorization of mining wastes. Book of abstracts of the International Conference „Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry” dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 26. ISBN 978-9975-62428-2