Title/degree | Doctor, assoc. prof. |
Position | Senior scientific researcher |
Laboratories | Physical and Quantum Chemistry Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Compounds |
Office | 145 |
Phone/fax | (+373 22) 73 96 75 |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Professional links | ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Author ID Instrumentul Bibliometric Național |

Research areas
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in solutions and solids: applications in chemistry, biomedicine and agriculture. 2. Natural and biologically active compounds.
Relevant publications
- KUCHKOVA K.; ARICU A.; SECARA E.; BARBA A.; VLAD P.; MACAEV F.; MELNIC E.; KRAVTOV V. Synthesis and structure of homodrimane sesquiterpenoids containing 1,2,4-triazole and carbazole cycles. Chem. Nat. Compd., 2015, 4, pp. 589-593.
- MAŞCENCO N., LUPAŞCU G., GUREV A., BARBA A., GORINCIOI E. GAVZER S. Procedeu de tratare a grâului de toamnă contra Fusarium oxysporum. Brevet de inventie, № 4327, BOPI 2015, (2), p. 27-28.
- CUCICOVA C., RUDIC V., ARÎCU A., CEPOI L., RUDI L., SECARA E., VALUȚA A., BARBĂ A., MISCU V., VLAD P., CHIRIAC T. – 1-(8,13-Biciclohomofarnesenoil)-3-amino-1,2,4-triazolul și procedeu de cultivare a cianobacteriei Nostoc linchia, Brevet de inventie, № 4327, BOPI 2015, (2), p. 27-28.
- CUCICOVA C., RUDIC V., ARÎCU A., CEPOI L., RUDI L., SECARA E., VALUȚA A., BARBĂ A., MISCU V., VLAD P., CHIRIAC T. – N-(8,13-Biciclohomofarnesenoilamino)-carbazolul și procedeu de cultivare a cianobacteriei Nostoc linchia, Brevet de inventie, № 4326, BOPI 2015, (2), p. 26-27.
- Grinco, M.; Gîrbu, V.; Barba, A.; Gorincioi, E.; Kulciţki, V.; Ungur, N. The first biomimetic synthesis of a diterpenoidwiht the ent-verrucosin A/B skeleton. Tetrahedon Letters, 57, 2016, p.2084-2086.
- Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, L. Lungu, A. Barba, S. Shova, G. Zbancioc, I. I. M, M. D’Ambrosio, N. Vornicu. Synthesis, antibacterial, and antifungal activities of new drimanesesquiterpenoids with azaheterocyclic units. Med. Chem. Res, 2016, 25(10);
- ZVIAGHINСEVA, M.; STÎNGACI, E.; GORINCOI, E.; BARBA, A.; GERONIKAKI, A.; MACAEV, F.Z. Synthesis and fungicidal activity of tert-butyl substituted n-binyl 1,2,4-triazolyl ketones. 2nd Russian National Youth Conference-School with international participation "Achievements of chemistry in the agricultural sector", Ufa, Russia. Ufa, 1 - 3 June 2016, p. 53-55.ISBN 978-5-7456-0499-7.
- A. N. ARICU, K. I. KUCHKOVA, A. N. BARBA, I. P. DRAGALIN, S. G. SHOVA, N. VORNICU, E. K. GORINCHOI, E. S. SEKARA, L. V. LUNGU, M. NICULAUA, N. D. UNGUR, AND P. F. VLAD. Synthesis from norambreinolide, structure, and antimicrobial activity of dihomodrimane sesquiterpenoids with azine, hydrazide, and dihydrazide fragments. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2016, 52(6), pp.1029-1036. IF 0.47
- CIOCARLAN, A.; ARICU, A.; LUNGU, L.; EDU, C.; BARBA, A.; SHOVA, S.; MANGALAGIU, I.; D’AMBROSIO, M.; NICOLESCU, A.; DELEANU, C.; VORNICU, N. New Synthetic Applications of Methyl 7-Oxo-13,14,15,16-tetranorlabd-8-en-12-oate of Potential Practical Interest. Synlett, 2017, 28(05), 565-571.
- ROBU Şt.; PRISACARI V.; KULCIŢKI V.; GRINCO M.; BARBA A. (54) Material polimeric cu proprietăţi antibacteriene pe bază de lignină grefată cu N'-(5-nitrofurfuriliden)izonicotinhidrazidă. Brevet de inventie, № 4506, BOPI 2017, (8), pag. 29.
- Арыку А.Н., Кучкова К.И., Секара Е.С., Барба А.Н., Драгалин И.П., Мельник Е., Кравцов В.Х. Cинтез и структура дримановых сесквитерпеноидов, содержащих циклы пиримидина, пиразина, 1,2,4-триазола и карбазола, Химия Природных Соединений, 2018, Nr. 3, p. 386-390.
- Duca Gh., Aricu A., Lungu L., Tenu N., Ciocarlan A., Gutu Y., Dragalin I., Barba A. Synthesis of new homodrimane sesquiterpenoids containing diazine, 1,2,4-triazole and carbazole rings. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2018, 13(1), p. 69-73.
- ARÎCU, A.; KUCHKOVA, K.; SECARA, E.; BARBA, A.; DRAGALIN, I.; UNGUR, N. Compusul 13-amino-14,15-dinorlabd-8(9)-enă pentru utilizare în calitate de remediu antimicotic. In: BREVET DE INVENȚIE, Nr. 4573, MD, BOPI 6/2018.
- ARÎCU, A.; KUCHKOVA, K.; DUCA, Gh.; SECARA, E.; BARBA, A.; DRAGALIN, I.; UNGUR, N. Compusul 1-(4-((4aS,8aS)-2,5,5,8a-tetrametil- 3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8a- octahidronaftalen 1-il)butan-2-il) guanidină cu activitateantiproliferativăşicitotoxică. Brevet de invenție, Nr. 4630, MD, BOPI 5/2019, p.41.
- ARÎCU, A.; KUCHKOVA, K.; DUCA, Gh.; SECARA, E.; BARBA, A.; DRAGALIN, I.; UNGUR, N. Compusul N-carbamimidoil-2-((8aS)-2,5,5, 8a-tetrametil-3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,8 aoctahidronaftalen-1-il)acetamidă cu activitate antiproliferativă şi citotoxică. Brevet de invenție, Nr. 4631, MD, BOPI 5/2019, p.41-42.
National projects
- ANCD/20.80009.5007.27. Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Gheorghe DUCA - ANCD/20.80009.5007.17. Hybrid materials functionalized with carboxyl groups based on plant metabolites with activity against human and agricultural pathogens
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, prof. Fliur MACAEV - CSSDT/15.817.02.02F. Study of mechanisms of chemical reactions, electronic structure and physico-chemical properties of transitiom-metal coordination compounds and nanoparticles A2B6
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Natalia GORINCIOI
AȘM-STCU/15.820.18.03.07/5984STCU. Unconventional green processes for processing renewable raw materials.
Period: 2015-2017;
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Veaceslav KULCITKI - AȘM-STCU/18.80013.5007.01/6330STCU. Synthesis of biologically active norlabdanic compounds with heterocyclic structural units based on agricultural waste.
Period: 2018-2019;
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU