Irina Ginsari (Ceban)

Title/degree Doctor
Position Senior scientific researcher 
Laboratory Ecological Chemistry
Office 403
Phone/fax (+373 22) 73 97 31
Email [email protected]
[email protected]
Professional links

Google scholar

Research areas

Active carbons, adsorption, surface modification, surface chemistry

Relevant publications
  1. IVANETSA A. I., NASTAS R. I., KUZNETSOVA T. F., AZAROVA T. A., POSTOLACHI L. V., GINSARI I. N., VORONETS E. A., RUSU V. I., AND LUPASCU T. G. Regularities of Modification of Active Carbons by Oxygen-Containing Manganese Compounds. Fizikokhimiya Poverkhnosti i Zashchita Materialov, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 398–404.
  2. NASTAS R., GOREACIOC T., GINSARI I., CEBOTARI I., LUPASCU T., SANDU M., TARITA A., MITINA T. Testarea cărbunilor active autohtoni pentru eliminarea ionilor de nitrit din apă. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, 2(338), Categoria B, Chișinău, 2019, p. 171-179. 
  3. GINSARI I., POSTOLACHI L., RUSU V., PETUHOV O., GOREACIOC T., LUPASCU T., NASTAS R. “Modification of carbonaceous adsorbents with manganese compounds”, Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2015, 10(2), 92-94. ISSN 1857-1727.
  4. GINSARI I., NASTAS R. Adaptarea metodei ABTS●+ pentru determinarea proprietăților antioxidante ale cărbunilor activi. Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internațională “Perspectivele și Problemele Integrării în spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației”, Cahul, 7 iunie 2018, p. 316-321.
  5. GÎNSARI I.“Cărbune activ modificat pentru adsorbția ionilor de nitrit”. Conferința Științifică a Studenților și Masteranzilor, cu genericul “Viitorul ne aparține”, Ediția a V-a. 29 aprilie 2015, p.107.
  6. NASTAS R., RUSU V., LUPASCU T., MAFTULEAC A., GOREACIOC T., GINSARI I. “Removal of hydrogen sulphide from ground water of Republic of Moldova”. Book of Abstracts, WASTEnet 2015 Scientific Conference "Sustainable Solutions To Wastewater Management: Maximizing The Impact of Territorial Co-Operation" Kavala, Greece, l9th-21st June 2015, p. 38.
  7. NASTAS R., GINSARI I., RUSU V., LUPASCU T. “ADSORPTION OF NITRITE IONS ON MODIFIED ACTIVE CARBONS”, Abstracts Book of the 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, ICCE, 20-24 September 2015, Leipzig, Germany, a_5497_1432126801
  8. NASTAS R., GINSARI I., GOREACIOC T., RUSU V. and LUPASCU T. ADSORPTION OF NITRITE IONS ON NUT SHELLS ACTIVE CARBONS. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology CEST 2015, Rhodes, Greece, 3-5 September 2015, Paper ID: CEST2015_00164, 4 p.
  9. NASTAS R., LUPASCU T., POSTOLACHI L., RUSU V., PETUHOV O., GINSARI I., GOREACIOCT. „Active carbons modified with manganese compounds”, Ukrainian conference with international participation “CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE” devoted to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine and Workshop NANOSTRUCTERED BIOCOMPATIBLE/BIOACTIVE MATERIALS. 17-18 May 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 72.
  10. LUPASCU T., NASTAS R., IVANETS A., POSTOLACHI L., AZAROVA T., RUSU V., KUZNETSOVA T., PETUHOV O., GINSARI I., GOREACIOCT. “Porous structure of active carbons modified with manganese compounds”, Ukrainian conference with international participation “CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE” devoted to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine and Workshop NANOSTRUCTERED BIOCOMPATIBLE/BIOACTIVE MATERIALS. 17-18 May 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 69.
  11. NASTAS R., GINSARI I., GOREACIOC T., RUSU V. LUPASCU T. “Nitrite ions adsorption kinetics on active carbons from local raw material”, 19th International Symposium – SIMI 2016 “The environment and the industry”, Book of Abstracts, Bucharest, Romania October 13-14, 2016 p. 106.
  12. NASTAS R., POSTOLACHI L., GINSARI I., GOREACIOC T., RUSU V., PETUHOV O., LUPASCU T. “Evaluation of redox properties of modified active carbons”,  19th International Symposium – SIMI 2016 “The environment and  the industry”, Book of Abstracts, Bucharest, Romania October 13-14, 2016 p. 107-108.
  13. ИВАНЕЦ А. И., ЛУПАШКУ Т., НАСТАС Р. И., КУЗНЕЦОВА Т. Ф., АЗАРОВА Т. А., ПОСТОЛАКИ Л. В., ГЫНСАРЬ И. Н. “Закономерности модифицирования активных углей кислородсодержащими соединениями марганца”, III Всероссийская конференция с международным участием “Актуальные проблемы адсорбции” (к 115 – летию академика М.М. Дубинина), Материалы конференции 17-21 октября 2016 года, Москва, Россия. Москва – Клязьма. с. 137-138.
  14. NASTAS R., IVANETS A., POSTOLACHI L., VARANETS Y., AZAROVA T., GINSARI I., GOREACIOC T., RUSU V., PETUHOV O., LUPASCU T. “Metal oxide catalysts for water purification”, the 6th International Conference Ecological & Environmental Chemistry, Abstract Book, March 2-3, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 174.
  15. GINSARI I.,  NASTAS R. “Carbonaceous adsorbents for removal of pollutants from water”, the 6th International Conference Ecological & Environmental Chemistry, Abstract Book, March 2-3, 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 218.
  16. GINSARI I., NASTAS R. Modificarea și caracterizarea cărbunelui activ din coji de nuci. Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internațională “Perspectivele și Problemele Integrării în spațiul European al Cercetării și Educației”,Cahul, 7 iunie 2017, p. 272-276.
  17. GÎNSARI I., NASTAS R. Analiza spectrală în domeniul IR a cărbunelui activ modificat cu clor. Conferința Științifică a Doctoranzilor (cu participare internațională), ediția a VI-a, Tendințe contemporane ale dezvoltării științei: viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători. Chișinău, 15 iunie 2017, p. 120-125.
  18. GINSARI I., NASTAS R. Characteristics of nut shells activated carbons. International Conference Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 103.
  19. GINSARI I., NASTAS R., LUPASCU T., PODDUBNAYA O., PUZIY A. Determination of surface groups on activated carbons by Boehm and Potentiometric titrations. International Conference Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 148.
  20. GOREACIOC T., NASTAS R., GINSARI I., CEBOTARI I., LUPASCU T. Testing of active carbons for removal of nitrite ions from water. International Conference Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 174.
  21. NASTAS R., GINSARI I., LUPASCU T. Vegetal active carbons for adsorption of toxic metal ions. International Conference Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 183.
  22. PETUHOV O., TIMBALIUC N., VITIU A., GINSARI I., CEBOTARI I. Water-miscible from tire pyrolysis residues: preparation and physico-chemical characterization. International Conference Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry, dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 185.

National projects

  1. ANCD/20.80009.7007.21. Reducing the effects of toxic chemicals on the environment and health through the use of adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials
    Period: 2020-2023
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  2. CSSDT/15.817.02.16A. Controlling of sorption-structural characteristics of carbonaceous and mineral adsorbents and multifunctional materials for the purpose of their use in practice
    Period: 2015-2019
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  3. ANCD/19.80012.80.07A.  Recovery of tire pyrolysis residue by obtaining pigments and supplements
    Period: 2019
    Project manager: Dr. Oleg PETUHOV

International projects

  1. HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01/101131382. Multifunctional sustainable adsorbents for water treatment assisted with plasma technologies and for health protection from xenobiotics (CLEANWATER)
    Period: 2023-2027;
    Project manager: Dr., conf. cerc. Raisa NASTAS
  2. 2020-MSCA-RISE-2016/734641. Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications (NANOMED)
    Period: 2017-2020
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  3. RESINFRA 2017-2018. Efficiency of monitoring the content of heavy metals in the environmental components
    Period: 2017-2018
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU
  4. AȘM-FRCFB/15.820.18.02.04/B. Catalysts with metal oxides for water treatment: synthesis, properties, use.
    Period: 2015-2016;
    Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Raisa NASTAS
  5. 16.80013.5007.02/Ro. Îmbunătăţirea modului de evaluare a calităţii apelor de suprafaţă prin metode spectrometrice semicantitative multielement (2016-2017)