Program H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
- Institute of Chemistry, Republic of Moldova
- Universidad de Alicante (UALI), Spain
- Institut Max Von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL), France
- Pharmidex Pharmaceutical Services Limited (PPS), Great Britain
- Nova ID FCT - Associacao para a Inovacao e Desenvolvimento da FCT (NOVA ID), Portugal
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH), Greece
- Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem (BME), Hungary
- Ustav Geotechniky Slovenskej Akademie Vied (UGT SAV), Slovakia
- LTD Ecosorbent, Republic of Moldova
- R.E Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IEPOR), Ukraine
- Tov. Naukovo Vyrobniche Pidriemstvo Tehnologika (Technologika), Ukraine
- Nazarbayev University (NU), Kazahstan
- Institute of Combustion Problems Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The aim of the project is to develop new biomedical materials and devices based on activated carbons, mineral adsorbents and pectins for the treatment of chronic and acute heavy metal intoxications and the incorporated radioactivity, as well as to improve the efficiency of the cancer treatment using radiotherapy and the carcinogenic reduction of the radiation injuries.
A technology for reactivating carbonaceous adsorbents has been developed, which allows the production of activated carbon with a specific surface area of about 2000 m2 / g.
The surface chemistry of the pectins has been modified by oxidative processes, which allows increasing the processes of immobilization of heavy metals in biological environments.
A new composite adsorbent was developed by specialists from the University of Alicante in Spain based on new adsorbents developed by the researchers of the project teams. The practical use of this composite adsorbent will allow the simultaneous detoxification of the human body from heavy metals, radioactive and organic substances.
17 September 2021
The results regarding the adsorption of strontium(II) and cobalt(II) ions on activated carbons obtained from nut shells (CA-N), apple wood (CA-M), and modified samples by oxidation (CA-Mox, CA-Mox-u, CA-Nox-u) were included in the PhD thesis elaborated by Irina Ginsari. The project NanoMed is acknowledged on page 31. |
9-11 October 2019 |
Researchers from different teams involved in the international project NANOMED (no. 734641) participated at the International Conference “Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry” (9 -October 11, 2019, organized by the Institute of Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), where the results obtained within the NANOMED project were presented, discussed and disseminated: Joaquin Silvestre Albero and Oana Madalina Driha from Universidad de Alicante, Spain; The conference sessions were presented online at and can be accessed at and |

- Tudor Lupaşcu, Elena Culighin, Oleg Petuhov, Tatiana Mitina, Maria Rusu, Andrei Rotaru. The influence of surface chemistry upon the textural, thermal and sorption properties of apple-pectins. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (accepted 2022).
- Tudor Lupaşcu, Oleg Petuhov, Nina Ţîmbaliuc, Silvia Cibotaru and Andrei Rotaru. Adsorption Capacity of Vitamin B12 and Creatinine on Highly-Mesoporous Activated Carbons Obtained from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials. Molecules 2020, 25(13), 3095; . IF=4.412.
- Oleg Petuhov, Tudor Lupascu, Dominika Behunová, Igor Povar, Tatiana Mitina and Maria Rusu. Microbiological Properties of Microwave-Activated Carbons Impregnated with Enoxil and Nanoparticles of Ag and Se. C — Journal of Carbon Research, 2019, 5, 31;
- T. Lupascu, E. Culighin, O. Petuhov, T. Mitina, M. Rusu. Study of the surface chemistry modification processes of intact and chemically modified pectins and sorption of Pb(II) and Hg(II) ions on natural organic adsorbents. Ukrainian Conference with International Participation Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. 26-27 May 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- N. Timbaliuc, O. Petuhov, T. Lupascu. Absorption of vitamin B12 on pectin-modified activated carbons. Ukrainian Conference with International Participation Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface. 26-27 May 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Raisa Nastas, Irina Ginsari, Tatiana Mitina, Oleg Petuhov, Viorica Vasilache, Maria Rusu, Tudor Lupascu. Adsorption of Co (II) and Sr (II) ions from aqueous solutions onto oxidized vegetal activated carbons. Ukrainian conference with international participation «CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF SURFACE» devoted to the 35th anniversary of the Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine. 26-27 May, 2021, Kiev, Ucraina. Book of abstracts, ISBN 978-966-02-9598-8, p. 148.
LUPASCU, T., MITINA, T., GOREACIOC, T., CULIGHIN, E., CIBOTARU, S., POVAR, I., DEMCHENCKO, P., KOZLOV, K., VOITKO, O. Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Patent MD 4746 B1 2021.02.28.
Diploma and Gold Medal at EUROINVENT International Invention Show (May 20-22, 2021, Iasi, Romania) for the invention Pectin oxidation process. LUPASCU, T., MITINA, T., GOREACIOC, T., CULIGHIN, E., CIBOTARU, S., POVAR, I., DEMCHENKO, P., KOZLOV, K., VOITKO, O. Patent MD 4746-B1. 2021.02.28.