Title/degree | Academician, Doctor habilitate, Professor |
Position | Head of the Centre of Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Protection Principal scientific researcher in Laboratory Ecological Chemistry |
Office | 348 |
Phone/fax | (+373 22) 73 97 33 |
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] |
Professional links |
Scopus Author ID |

Research areas
- Chemical, physicochemical and sorption mechanisms of toxic substances on solid supports.
- Protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources.Ecological chemistry of natural and residual waters. Ecological Chemistry of Wastes.
- Obtaining technologies of carbonic adsorbents from vegetal raw materials.
- Surface, groundwater and wastewater purification technologies.
- Full use of by-products in the wine industry and the obtaining of the biologically active preparations for medicine and agriculture.
Relevant publications
- DUCA, G.; LUPAȘCU, T.; NICOLAU, E.; CULIGHIN, E. Chimie ecologică și a mediului. US,,D. Cantemir”. Ch.: Tipografia Biotehdesign, 2018. 250 p. ISBN 978-9975-108-51-5.
- MIHAI, CIOBANU, TUDOR, LUPAŞCU. “Adsorbanţi Carbonici“.Suport de curs pentru masteranzi. 2018, 95 p.
Chapters in monographs (national/ international)
- POVAR, I., SPINU, O., LUPASCU, T., DUCA, G. Thermodynamic Stability of Natural Aqueous Systems. In: Handbook of Research on Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry. Chapter 4, 2020, p. 76-108. http://www.igi-global.com/forms/recommend-to-librarian/239393. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1241-8.http://10.4018/978-1-7998-1241-8
- KOZAKEVYCH, R; BOLBUKH, Y; LUPASCU, L; LUPASCU, T; TERTYKH, V. Polymeric Composite Films with Controlled Release of Natural Antioxidant Enoxil. In: FESENKO, O.; YATSENKO, L., eds. Nanochemistry, Biotechnology, Nanomaterials, and Their Applications. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics 214, pp. 149-164. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92567-7_9.
- LUPAŞCU, T.; MITINA, T.; GRIGORAȘ, D. Metodele de determinare a microelementelor in obiectele biologice. În: Microelementele în obiectele biosferei Republicii Moldova şi aplicarea în agricultură şi medicină, 2016, Chişinău, pp.240-253. ISBN 978-9975-51-724-9.
Articles in international journals with IF
- LUPAŞCU, T., PETUHOV, O., ŢÎMBALIUC, N., CIBOTARU, S., ROTARU, A. Adsorption Capacity of Vitamin B12 and Creatinine on Highly-Mesoporous Activated Carbons Obtained from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials. In: Molecules, 2020, 25(13), 3095. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25133095. IF=3.589.
- POVAR, I., ZINICOVSCAIA, I., UBALDINI, S., SPINU, O., PINTILIE, B., LUPASCU, T., DUCA, G. Thermodynamic analysis of heavy metals precipitation for their recovery from industrial wastewaters. In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2020, vol. 19, nr. 2, pp. 281-288. http://www.eemj.icpm.tuiasi.ro/; http://www.eemj.eu IF=0,956
- CRETESCU, I.; LUPASCU, T.; BUCISCANU, T.; BALAU-MINDRU, T; SOREANU, G. Low-cost sorbents for the removal of acid dyes from aqueous solutions. Process Safety and Enviromental Protection. ISSN 0957-5820. DOI: 10.1016/j.psep.2016.05.016. (IF= 2.078).
- GUNKO, V.M.; LUPASCU, T.; KRUPSKA, T.V.; GOLOVAN, A.P.; PAKHLOV, E.M.; TUROV, V.V. Influence of tannin on aqueous Layers at a surface of hidrophilic and hidrophobic nanosilicas. Colloid and Surfaces A, 531(2017), 9-17. ISSN:0927-7757 (IF=2.7).
- KUZEMA, P.O.; LAGUTA, I.V.; STAVINSKAYA, O.N.; KAZAKOVA, O.A.; BORYSENK, M.V., LUPASCU, T.G. Preparation and characterization of silica-Enoxil nanobiocomposites. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2016, 11(68) ISSN 1556-276X, DOI: 10.1186/s11671-016-1287-y. (IF= 2.584)
- LUPASCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOTAN, V.; SANDU, I.G.; DRAGALIN, I.; MITINA, T.; SANDU, I. Removal of ammonium ions and ammonia from groundwater by oxidation processes. Revista de Chimie. 2018, 11. (IF: 1,412)
- MOLDOVAN, Z.; MARINCAS, O.; POVAR, I.; LUPASCU, T.; LONGREE, PH.; SIMOVIC ROTA, J.; SINGER, H.; ALDER, A. Environmental Exposure of Anthropogenic Micropollutants in the Prut River at the Romanian-Moldavian Border: A Snapshot in the Lower Danube River Basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018, 25, 31040-31050. ISSN: 0944-1344. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3025-8 (IF: 2.741)
- SPATARU, P.; POVAR, I.; LUPASCU, T.; ALDER, A.; MOSANU, E. Study of nitrogen forms in seasonal dynamics and kinetics of nitrification and denitrification in prut and nistru river waters. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2018, 17(7), 1711-1719. ISSN: 1582-9596. http://eemj.eu/index.php/EEMJ/article/view/3634 (IF: 1.021)
- TUROV, V.; LUPASCU, T.; KRUPSKA, T.; POVAR I. Nanosilica A-300 influence on water structures formed on the bioactive agent Enoxil. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 93, DOI: 10.1139/cjc-2015-0360, published on the web 19 October 2015 (IF-1,061)
- TUROV, V; LUPASCU, T; KRUPSKAEA, T; POVAR, I . Nanosilica A-300 influence on water structures formed on the bioactive agent Enoxil. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2016, 94(1), 88-94, ISSN: 1939-019X, DOI: 10.1139/cjc-2015-0360, (IF=1.066).
- IVANETS, A.I.; NASTAS, R.I.; KUZNETSOVA, T.F.; AZAROVA, T.A.; POSTOLACHI, L.V.; GINSARI, I.N.; VORONETS, E.A.; RUSU, V.I.; LUPASCU, T.G. Regularities of Modification of Active Carbons by Oxygen-Containing Manganese Compounds. Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2018, 54 (4), 587–593. ISSN 2070-2051, DOI: 10.1134/S2070205118040056 (IF: 0,71).
- PETUHOV, O.; LUPASCU, T.; BEHUNOVÁ, D.; POVAR, I.; TATIANA MITINA, MARIA RUSU. Microbiological Properties of Microwave-Activated Carbons Impregnated with Enoxil and Nanoparticles of Ag and Se. C — Journal of Carbon Research, 2019, 5, 31; https://doi.org/10.3390/c5020031.
Articles in other journals
- MITINA, T., BONDARENCO, N., GRIGORAS, D., LUPASCU, T., MEREUTA, A. The composition of the lime scale of electric power stations and rationale of their utilization. In: Znanstvena misel journal, 2020, vol.1, nr.45. с. 18-23. ISSN 3124-1123.
- KRUPSKA, T. V.; GOLOVAN, A. P.; LUPASCU, T.; POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; KARTEL, M.T.; TUROV, V.V. The nanocomposite system based on tannin and methylsilica for the activation of development of seeds. Dopov. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2017, 10, 83-90. ISSN 1025-6415. DOI: 10.15407/dopovidi2017.10.083.
- LUPASCU, T.; POVAR, I. Analysis of Adsorption Technologies of Water and Wastewater Treatment Used in the Republic of Moldova. American Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2016. 51-59. ISSN: 2330-8605.
- TUROV, V.; LUPASCU, T.; KRUPSKA, T.; POVAR, I.; SUVOROVA, L. Influence of Nanosilicaon Water-phase Tranzitions in Hygroscopic Sistems. Chemistry Letters, 2017, 46, 481-484. Online ISSN: 1348-0715. Print ISSN: 0366-7022.
- ЛУПАШКУ, T.; КРУПСКАЯ, Т.; ПОВАР, И.; ТУРОВ, В. Фазовые переноды воды в гидроскопических системах и влияние нанокремнеземов на них. Бутлеровские сообщения, 2016, 46(6), 113-119. ISSN 2077-0212.
- LUPAŞCU, G.; CIOCÂRLAN, A.; DRAGALIN, I.; LUPAȘCU, L. Antimicrobial activity of the volatil coriander oil (Coriandrum sativum l.). Rom. J. Biol. – Plant Biol., 2019, 64, nos. 1–2, p. 31–42, Bucharest, România.
- ГОЛОВАНЬ, А.П.; ЛУПАШКУ, T.Г.; КРУПСКАЯ, Т.В.; ЛУПАШКУ, Г.А; ТУРОВ, В.В. Влияние композитов на основе танинов и гидрофобного кремнезема на всхожесть и морфологические параметры овощных культур. Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2019, 10(3),. с. 272-280.
Articles in national journals
- CIOBANU, M.; BOTAN, V.; LUPASCU, T.; MITINA, T.; RUSU, M. Adsorption of strontium ions from water on modified activated carbons. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2016, nr. 11(2), . DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2016.11(2).01. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- DUCA, Gh.; CIOBANU, M.; LUPASCU, T.; POVAR I. Adsorption of strontium ions from aqueous solutions on nut shells activated carbons. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2018, 13(2), 69-73. ISSN 1857-1727. http://dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2018.494
- HALIARNIK, D.; PETUHOV, O.; BAKALINSKA, O.; LUPASCU, T.; KARTEL, M. Benzoyl peroxide decomposition by nitrogen-containing carbon nanomaterials. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2016, nr. 11(1), 91-96. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- POSTOLACHI, L.; RUSU, V.; LUPASCU, T. Effect of aluminium sulphate aging on coagulation process for the Prut River water treatment. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2016, nr. 11(1), 27-32. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- POSTOLACHI, L.; RUSU, V.; LUPASCU, T.; PETUHOV, O. Improvement of filtration properties of Ghidirim diatomite (Republic of Moldova). Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2018, 13(1), 117-121. ISSN: 1857-1727, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2018.436.
- STAVINSKAYA, O.; LAGUTA, I.; KAZAKOVA, O.; KUZEMA, P.; LUPASCU, T. Hygroscopic properties of enoxil-silica composites. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2018, 13(2), 89-93. ISSN 1857-1727. dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2018.487
- TUROV, V.; BOGATYREV, V.; KRUPSKA, T.; GALABURDA, M.; LUPASCU, T.; POVAR, I.; KOKOSHA, N. Water binding through polyacrylamide hydrogel and the influence of its preliminary saturation by enoxil. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2018, 13(1), 87-94. ISSN 1857-1727. http://dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2017.459
- GINSARI, I.; POSTOLACHI, L.; RUSU, V.; PETUHOV, O.; GOREACIOC, T.; LUPASCU, T.; NASTAS, R. Modification of carbonaceous adsorbents with manganese compounds. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2015, 10(2), 92-94. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- GRIGORCEA, S.; LUPAȘCU, L.; ȚIMBALIUC, N.; LUPAȘCU, G. Activitatea antifungică a taninurilor oxidate, extrase din lemnul de stejar. Intellectus. 2017, nr. 3, 94-99. ISSN 1810-7079.
- LUPASCU, T. Carbuni activi autohtoni pentru economie, protectia sanatatii omului si a mediului ambient. Akademos, revista de stiinta, inovare, cultura si arta, 2016, nr. 3(42), 74 -77. ISSN 1857-0461.
- LUPASCU, T.; ARÎCU, A.; COCU, M. Institutul de Chimie al AŞM. Realizări şi perspective. Buletinul AŞM, Ştiinţele Vieţii, 2016, 1(328), 184-200. ISSN 1857-064X.
- LUPAȘCU, L.; GRIGORCEA, S.; LUPAȘCU, G.; ȚIMBALIUC, N. Noi compuși taninici din stejar și proprietățile lor antimicrobiene in vitro. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2017, 2 (332), 139-146. ISSN 1857-064X.
- LUPAȘCU, L.; LUPAȘCU T.; GONȚA A.; ȚÎMBALIUC N. Compus autohton de origine taninică cu proprietăți antioxidante. Intellectus, 2016, nr. 3, 94-98. ISSN 1810-7079.
- LUPAŞCU, L.; LUPAŞCU, G.; ȚÎMBALIUC, N.; ŞUBINA, V.; MAGHER, M. Activitatea antimicrobiană in vitro a taninurilor intacte şi oxidate, izolate din nuc (Juglans regia l.). Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. 2018, 2, 113-120. ISSN:1024-7696
- LUPAŞCU, L.; RUDIC, V.; LUPAŞCU, T.; GONȚA, A.; ȚÎMBALIUC, N. Oportunităţi de utilizare a taninurilor vegetale intacte şi modificate la tratarea afecţiunilor de origine microbiană. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2016, 2 (329), 125-134. ISSN 1857-064X
- LUPAŞCU, T.; Dezechilibrul dintre factorii biotici şi abiotici şi efectele lui asupra vieţii pe Pământ. Akademos, 2017, nr.1, 21-23. ISSN 1857-0461.
- LUPAŞCU, T.; ŢIMBALIUC, N.; LUPAŞCU, L. Obţinerea şi caracterizarea compuşilor bioactivi extraşi din produse vegetale forestiere. Academos. Revistă de ştiinţă, inovare, cultură şi artă. 2017, 4 (47), 45-51. ISSN 1857-0461
- MITINA T.; BONDARENCO, N; GRIGORAS, D.; BOTIZAT, E.; LUPASCU, T. Determination of strontium ions in waters with a high content of sodium ions. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2015, 10(1), 20-24. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- NASTAS, R., RUSU, V., LUPAŞCU, T. Stabilirea proprietăţilor acido-bazice ale cărbunilor activi Studia Universitatis Moldaviae, Seria Ştiinţe reale şi ale naturii, 2016, vol II. ISSN: 1814-3237. nr. 6(96), 170-177, CZU: 621.3.035: 665.7
- POSTOLACHI, L.; RUSU, V.; LUPASCU, T.; MAFTULEAC, A. Improvement of coagulation process for the Prut river water treatment using aluminium sulphate. Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2015, 1(10), 25-32. ISSN: 1857-1727.
- POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; DEMCHENKO, P.; VOYTKO, A.; LUPASCU, T. Thermodynamic study of the binding of lead by pectin. Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”: Economic and Engineering Studies. 2018, 1(3), 61-66. ISSN 2587-313X
- RUSU, V. Stratul dublu electric al montmorilonitului. I. Influenţa intercalării cu oligomeri de aluminiu. Studia Universitatis Moldaviae, Seria Ştiinţe reale şi ale naturii, 2016, vol II. ISSN: 1814-3237. nr.6(96), 204-213 CZU: 546.62: 661.862
- SHEPEL, D.; GOREACIOC, T.; LUPAŞCU, T.; FILIPPOV, M.; RUSU, M. Method of infrared spectra registration of activated carbons in potassium bromide pellets. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2015, 10(1), 113-115. ISSN 1857-1727.
- NASTAS, R.; GOREACIOC, T.; GÎNSARI, I.; CEBOTARI, I.; LUPAŞCU, T.; SANDU, M.; TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; MITINA, T. Testarea cărbunilor activi autohtoni pentru eliminarea ionilor de nitrit din apă. Buletinul A.Ș.M. Ştiinṭele vieții, 2019, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, nr. 2 (338), p. 171-179. ISSN 1857-064X
- LUPAŞCU, L.; TÎMBALIUC, N.; LUPAŞCU, G.; GAVZER, S.; SLĂNINĂ, V. Activitățile antioxidante și antimicrobiene ale extractelor intacte şi oxidate, izolate din ceai verde comercial. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. Nr. 2 (338) 2019, p. 144-151.
- EARAR, K.; SANDU, A.; MATEI, M.; LUPASCU, T.; SANDU, I, Pastă de dinți și procedeu de obținere a acestiea. Patent MD 4453. 2017-07-31.
- GONŢA, A.; LUPAŞCU, L.; ŢÂMBALIUC, N.; LUPAŞCU, T. Cremă antimicrobiană şi antioxidantă pentru tratamentul afecţiunilor cutanate inflamatorii. Patent MD 4290. 2015-02-28.
- LUPAȘCU, T. Desenul industrial “Ceas”. Brevet de invenție MD 4364. Data 2017-04-26.
- LUPAȘCU, T.; CIOBANU, M. Procedeul de îndepărtare din apele subterane a ionilor de amoniu și a nitriților. Patent MD 2684. 2017-05-23.
- LUPAŞCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOŢAN, V.; CAŢER, R. Procedeu de purificare a apelor subterane de hidrogen sulfurat, ioni de fier(II) şi mangan(II). Patent MD 4288 CI 2015.01.31.
- LUPAȘCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOȚAN, V.; CAȚER, R. Procedeu de purificare a apelor de profunzime de ioni de amoniu, amoniac și hidrogen sulfurat. Patent MD 4435. 2017-05-23.
- LUPAŞCU, T.; CIOBANU, M.; BOŢAN, V.;CAŢER, R. Procedeu de purificare a apelor subterane de hidrogen sulfurat, ioni de fier (II) şi mangan(II). Patent MD 4288. 2015-01-31.
- MANEA, L.; VLAHIDIS, V.; LUPASCU, T.; SANDU, I. Dispozitiv de administrare a substantelor fitosanitare in plante lemnoase. Patent nr. 4340.
- SANDU, I.; CREŢU, A.-M.; LUPAŞCU, T.; SIELIECHI J.-M.;KOUAME, I.-K.; GUIFO, K. J.; SANDU, A.-V.; VASILACHE, V.; SANDU, I.-G.; VASILACHE V. Procedeu de potabilizare a apelor subterane şi de suprafaţă. Patent MD 4298. 2015-03-31.
- ŞEPELI, D.; RUSU, M.; FILIPOV, M.; LUPAŞCU, T. Procedeu de determinare a substanţelor humice solubile în apă din apele natura şi din rocile solide. Patent MD 4305. 2015-04-30.
- TUROV, V.; KRUPSKA, T.; LUPASCU, T.; POVAR, I. Слособ регулирвания впливу на фазовой поверхности воды в гидроскопичнх системах. Патент Украины № 2375/3У/18 от 25.01.2018.
- VLAHIDIS, V.; MANEA, L.; LUPAŞCU, T.; SANDU, I. Dispozitiv de administrare a substanţelor fitosanitare în plante lemnoase. Patent MD 4286. 2015-01-31.
- RUSU, V., MAFTULEAC, A., POSTOLACHI, L., GOREACIOC, T., LUPASCU, T. Instalaţie cu filtru precoat. Patent MD 4579 C1 2019.02.29.
- TUROV, V., LUPASCU, T., BOGATYREV, V., KRUPSKA, T., GALABURDA, M., LUPASCU L., POVAR, I., KOKOSHA N. Material polimeric cu proprietăți antimicrobiene. Patent MD 4607 C1, 2019.07.31
National projects
- Advanced research in computational and ecological chemistry, identification of technological procedures for treatment, formation of water quality and quantity (code 010603)
Period: 2024-2027
Subprogram manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR - ANCD/20.80009.7007.21. Reducing the effects of toxic chemicals on the environment and health through the use of adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU - CSSDT/15.817.02.16A. Controlling of sorption-structural characteristics of carbonaceous and mineral adsorbents and multifunctional materials for the purpose of their use in practice
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPAŞCU
International projects
- HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01/101131382. Multifunctional sustainable adsorbents for water treatment assisted with plasma technologies and for health protection from xenobiotics (CLEANWATER)
Period: 2023-2027;
Project manager: Dr., conf. cerc. Raisa NASTAS - 2020-MSCA-RISE-2016/734641. Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications (NANOMED)
Period: 2017-2020
Project manager: Academician Tudor LUPAȘCU - RESINFRA 2017-2018. Efficiency of monitoring the content of heavy metals in the environmental components
Period: 2017-2018
Project manager: Academician, dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU - FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES/612484. Biocompatibile/bioactive nanostructurated materials (NANOBIOMAT)
Period: 2014-2017
Project manager: Academician, dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU - H2020/INFRADEV-02/DANUBIUS-RI/739562. Preparatory phase for the pan-european research infrastructure DANUBIUS–RI “International centre for advanced studies on river-sea systems”
Period: 2017-2019
Project manager: Academician Gheorghe DUCA - AȘM-CNCI/18.80013.5007.01/it. Thermodynamic optimization of innovative processes developed for the recovery of industrial waste containing precious metals
Period: 2018-2019;
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Igor POVAR - AȘM-ANSIIU/17.80013.5007.02/Ua. Multicomponent nanocomposites to stimulate the growth of agricultural plants.
Period: 2017-2018;
Project manager: Academician, dr. habilitate, prof. Tudor LUPASCU - AȘM-FRCFB/15.820.18.02.04/B. Catalysts with metal oxides for water treatment: synthesis, properties, use.
Period: 2015-2016;
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Raisa NASTAS