Vicol Crina

Title/degree Doctor
Position Scientific researcher
Laboratory Physical and Quantum Chemistry
Office 219
Phone/fax (+373 22) 73 96 49
Email [email protected]
[email protected]
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Instrumentul Bibliometric Național 
Research areas

Ecological chemistry, analytical chemistry, reaction kinetics, antioxidant capacity of extracts from natural products, antioxidant synergy between various compounds, spectrophotometric methods of analysis.

Relevant publications
  1. VICOL, C., DUCA, GH. Influența acidului tartric asupra procesului de anihilare a radicalilor liberide către acidul ascorbic. Revista Akademos. 2020, nr. 1, vol. 56, 39 - 43. ISSN 1857 - 0461.
  2. Vicol Crina, Duca Gheorghe. Study of DPPH radical interaction with some organic acids.  International Conference “Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry”, October 9-11, 2019, Chișinău, Republica Moldova.
  3. C. Șmigon, L. Lungu, A. Arîcu. Sinteza compușilor tetranorlabdanici biologic activi cu fragmente tio- și oxodiazolice. Conferința Științifică a Studenților și Masteranzilor ,,Viitorul ne aparține'', ediția a VII-a'', Republica Moldova, 2017;
  4. L. Lungu, C. Smigon, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, S. Shova. Synthesis And X-ray Analysis of New Tetranorlabdane Compound with Thiadiazole Unit. The 8th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics. Chisinau, R. Moldova, 12-16.09.2016, p.151;
  5. L. Lungu, C. Smigon, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, C. Moldoveanu. Synthesis of New Tetranorlabdane Compounds with Oxadiazole Units. A. I. Cuza University Days, Faculty of Chemistry Conference. 27-29.10.2016, p. 63.
  6. C. Smigon, L. Lungu, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, N. Vornicu. Synthesis of New Biological Active Tetranorlabdane Compounds with Thiadiazole Units. The XXXIV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, October 4-7, 2016, p. 14.
  7. Șmigon Crina, Lungu Lidia. Sinteza compușilor noi cu schelet hibrid norlabdanic și heterociclic. Conferința Științifică a Studenților și Masteranzilor ,,Viitorul ne aparține'', ediția a VI-a'', Republica Moldova, 2016

National projects

  1. ANCD/20.80009.5007.27. Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems
    Period: 2020-2023
    Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Gheorghe DUCA
  2. CSSDT/15.817.02.02F. Study of mechanisms of chemical reactions, electronic structure and physico-chemical properties of transitiom-metal coordination compounds and nanoparticles A2B6
    Period: 2015-2019
    Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Natalia GORINCIOI
  3. CSȘDT/16.00353.50.04A. Design, directed synthesis and study of antibacterial and antitumor activity of chiral terpenic compounds and their coordinative combinations with transition metals
    Period: 2016-2017
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU

Bilateral project

  1. AȘM-ANCSI/16.80013.16.02.06/Ro. Directed synthesis and study of chiral complexes containing terpeno-heterocyclic ligands.
    Period: 2016-2017;
    Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU