Title/degree | Doctor |
Position | Scientific researcher |
Laboratory | Physical and Quantum Chemistry |
Office | 219 |
Phone/fax | (+373 22) 73 96 49 |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Professional links | Google scholar ORCID Reserch Gate Scopus Instrumentul Bibliometric Național |

Research areas
Ecological chemistry, analytical chemistry, reaction kinetics, antioxidant capacity of extracts from natural products, antioxidant synergy between various compounds, spectrophotometric methods of analysis.
Relevant publications
- VICOL, C., DUCA, GH. Influența acidului tartric asupra procesului de anihilare a radicalilor liberide către acidul ascorbic. Revista Akademos. 2020, nr. 1, vol. 56, 39 - 43. ISSN 1857 - 0461.
- Vicol Crina, Duca Gheorghe. Study of DPPH radical interaction with some organic acids. International Conference “Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry”, October 9-11, 2019, Chișinău, Republica Moldova.
- C. Șmigon, L. Lungu, A. Arîcu. Sinteza compușilor tetranorlabdanici biologic activi cu fragmente tio- și oxodiazolice. Conferința Științifică a Studenților și Masteranzilor ,,Viitorul ne aparține'', ediția a VII-a'', Republica Moldova, 2017;
- L. Lungu, C. Smigon, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, S. Shova. Synthesis And X-ray Analysis of New Tetranorlabdane Compound with Thiadiazole Unit. The 8th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics. Chisinau, R. Moldova, 12-16.09.2016, p.151;
- L. Lungu, C. Smigon, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, C. Moldoveanu. Synthesis of New Tetranorlabdane Compounds with Oxadiazole Units. A. I. Cuza University Days, Faculty of Chemistry Conference. 27-29.10.2016, p. 63.
- C. Smigon, L. Lungu, A. Aricu, A. Ciocarlan, A. Barba, N. Vornicu. Synthesis of New Biological Active Tetranorlabdane Compounds with Thiadiazole Units. The XXXIV-th Romanian Chemistry Conference, Calimanesti-Caciulata, Romania, October 4-7, 2016, p. 14.
- Șmigon Crina, Lungu Lidia. Sinteza compușilor noi cu schelet hibrid norlabdanic și heterociclic. Conferința Științifică a Studenților și Masteranzilor ,,Viitorul ne aparține'', ediția a VI-a'', Republica Moldova, 2016
National projects
- ANCD/20.80009.5007.27. Physico-chemical mechanisms of redox processes with electron transfer involved in vital, technological and environmental systems
Period: 2020-2023
Project manager: Acad., dr. habilitate, prof. Gheorghe DUCA - CSSDT/15.817.02.02F. Study of mechanisms of chemical reactions, electronic structure and physico-chemical properties of transitiom-metal coordination compounds and nanoparticles A2B6
Period: 2015-2019
Project manager: Dr., assoc. prof. Natalia GORINCIOI - CSȘDT/16.00353.50.04A. Design, directed synthesis and study of antibacterial and antitumor activity of chiral terpenic compounds and their coordinative combinations with transition metals
Period: 2016-2017
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU
Bilateral project
- AȘM-ANCSI/16.80013.16.02.06/Ro. Directed synthesis and study of chiral complexes containing terpeno-heterocyclic ligands.
Period: 2016-2017;
Project manager: Dr. habilitate, assoc. prof. Aculina ARICU