Boris Pintilie

Titlul: -
Funcția: Cercetător științific 
Laborator: Metode Fizico-chimice de Cercetare și Analiză
Birou:  418
Telefon/fax: (+373 22) 73 97 81

[email protected] 

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Domeniul de cercetare
  • Chimia analitică
  • Chimia fizică
  • Chimia apelor
  • Echilibre chimice în soluții apoase, analiza termodinamică
  • Tratarea apelor reziduale menagere și industriale
Publicații relevante
  1. POVAR I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. Expressions for enthalpies of concurrently polynuclear complex formation reactions in two-phase aqueous systems. Journal of Solution Chemistry. 47(11), 1725-1739. ISSN: 0095-9782. (IF: 1.401)
  2. POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; PINTILIE, B.; UBALDINI, S. Revised Pourbaix diagrams for the vanadium – water system. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering. 2019, 9 (2), 75-84. ISSN 1847-9286.
  3. POVAR, I.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. Thermodynamic Stability Areas of Polyvanadates of Alkaline Earth Metals. Journal of Chemistry. 2019, Article ID 7091781, 6 pages. ISSN: 2090-9071 (Online).
  4. POVAR, I.; PINTILIE, B.; SPÎNU, O.; TIMBALIUC, N., LUPASCU, T. Study of the main characteristics of mixtures of gasoline with monoatomic alcohols. Scientific papers of International Scientific Conference “Alternative and renewable energy as alternative primary energy sources in the region”, 2-3 April 2015, Lviv, Ukraine, 95 – 98.
  5. POVAR, I.; UBALDINI, S.; LUPASCU, T.; SPINU O.; PINTILIE, B. The solution chemistry of the Copper (II) - Ammonia - Thiosulfate aqueous system. Proceedings Book of the 21ST International Symposium “The Environment and Industry”, 20-21 September 2018, Bucharest, Romania, 162-169. ISSN-L: 1843-5831.
  6. POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. Thermodynamic analysis of the degree of precipitation of poorly soluble hydroxides and salts in industrial waste water. Proceeding of the International Scientific Environmental Conference „Waste, the reasons of their education and prospects for use”, March 26-27, 2019, Krasnodar, Russia, 230-233. ISBN 978-5-00097-843-6
  7. POVAR, I.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B. pH-determination of equilibrium constants in the system “Lanthanum nitrilotriacetate-saturated solution”. Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “Chemistry of Coordination Compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of prominent scientist-chemist, honored worker of sciences, the first and only Academician in the field of Analytical Chemistry in Azerbaijan, with the order of “Honor” Aliyeva Rafiga Alirza gizi, November 16-17, 2017, Baku, Azerbaijan, 40-41.
  8. POVAR, I. SPATARU, P.; MAFTULEAC, Al.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B., BUZILA, S. Technology of treating the organic part of mud from wastewater treatment plants in a soil fertilizer. Abstract Book of the Water JPI 2018 Conference „Emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems”, 6–7th of June, Helsinki, Finland, 29-30.
  9. POVAR I.; SPINU O.; PINTILIE, B. Concurrent chemical equilibria in natural aqueous systems. Book of abstracts of the International Conference „Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry” dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 187. ISBN 978-9975-62428-2
  10. POVAR I.; SPINU O.; PINTILIE, B. Thermodynamic approach for studying complex chemical equilibria in real conditions. Book of abstracts of the International Conference „Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry” dedicated to the 60th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry, October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 187. ISBN 978-9975-62428-2
  11. SPATARU, P.; MIHAILENCO, A.; PINTILIE, B.; MAFTULEAC, Al; SPINU, O.; BUZILA, S.; POVAR, I. Dehydrating sediments at WWTP through the process of biological purification by activated sludge. Book of Abstracts of the 20-th International Symposium “The Environment and Industry” - SIMI 2017, September 28-29, 2017, Bucharest, Romania, 33.
  12. POVAR, I.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; UBALDINI, S.; SPINU, O.; PINTILIE, B.; LUPASCU, T.; DUCA, Gh. Thermodynamic analyzing of heavy metals precipitation for recovery from industrial wastewaters. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2020, 19 (2), 281-288. (IF 1.334)
  13. PINTILIE, B.; SPINU, O.; POVAR, I. Sugestii metodologice de predare a solubilităţii compuşilor puţin solubili. Didactica Pro. 2020, 1 (119), 37-42. ISSN 1810-6455. CZU 378.016:546.1 |

Brevete de invenţii:

  1. SPĂTARU P., MAFTULEAC A., POVAR I., PINTILIE B.; SPÎNU O. Procedeu de concentrare a reziduurilor solide organice din sedimentele apelor reziduale. Hotărâre pozitivă nr. 9524 din 2020.05.20 la cererea de brevet, nr. depozit a 2019 0046, data depozit 2019.05.31.