Research project within the State Program financed by the National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova
III. Environment and climate change
1. The impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the environment and society
- Institute of Chemistry, Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Protection, Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry, Laboratory of Water Chemistry
- State University of Moldova, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
- Technical University of Moldova, Facultatea Tehnologia Alimentelor, Department of Oenologiey and Chemistry
The team of the Institute of Chemistry | |
Dr. habilitate CIOBANU Mihail | VIZIN Mihaela |
Dr. NASTAS Raisa | MITINA Tatiana |
Dr. SANDU Maria | CIOLAC Victor |
Dr. BARBA Alic | BOTIZAT Elena |
Dr. GINSARI (CEBAN) Irina | BUGA Mihaela |
GONTA Alexandru | MORARU Eugenia |
The project has a basic priority the study and development of environmentally friendly technologies based on the ecological situation and needs of the Republic of Moldova. For this purpose, the aim is to obtain the materials and technologies that would improve the quality of the environment, human health and the cooperation with the local economic agents to promote the results obtained in practice.
The proposed objectives include the succession of researches that will bring together the current experience of the team and the new results obtained during the course as follows:
- synthesis of carbon adsorbents using innovative technologies with low energy consumption, which include activation processes in fluidizing layer, hydrothermal and by microwave treatment of indigenous renewable raw materials such as wood, walnuts, plums, peaches, apricots, cherry;
- study of the structural parameters and the adsorption capacity of the new carbon adsorbents;
- obtaining nanocatalysts based on carbon adsorbents by impregnation with oxide / salt nanoparticles and functionalizing them with heteroatoms; analysis of the chemical composition of surface and groundwater in different geographical areas of the Republic of Moldova;
- the study of model water and elimination of toxic components from wastewater;
- conditioning of the wines by the wide use of the new indigenous acrylic charcoal performing;
- the study of the adsorption processes of metabolites of endogenous and exogenous origin from aqueous and biological solutions, in order to identify the active carbon with advanced adsorption capacities;
- obtaining enterosorbents based on indigenous active charcoal with a higher capacity to eliminate toxins from the human body.
The optimal conditions for the synthesis of activated carbons from kernels of apricots, peaches, cherries, walnut shells and apple wood in a fluidized bed and by chemical activation using microwaves as a heating source were established. The specific surface area, pore sizes, pore sorption volume, moisture content, ash content, methylene blue and iodine adsorption index, density, metal content of the obtained activated carbons were determined. The carbon adsorbents obtained have structure parameters and specific performing surfaces. Two samples of activated carbon (AC-C and AC-MR) from apricot kernels and apple wood were obtained and validated, which correspond to the quality indices imposed by the European Pharmacopoeia for carbonic enterosorbents. The optimal conditions for obtaining carbonic adsorbents from local raw material using the hydrothermal activation method were established. The adsorbents obtained by the hydrothermal method are characterized by specific properties, making it possible to impregnate them with heteroatoms or metal ions at low temperatures, as a result the yield of the process increases and energy consumption decreases. Thus, the synthesized adsorbents also have catalytic properties, which allows their use in the water purification process in order to eliminate nitrites, hydrogen sulphide, ammonium ions, iron (II) and manganese (II). The processes of improving the quality of white and red wines using domestic activated carbons were studied. It has been established that quality wines can be obtained using this process. The processes were studied and the mechanisms of adsorption of some dyes, vitamins, organic acids, bacteria, fungi on domestic and export activated carbons were studied depending on the temperature, pH of the aqueous solution, and the concentration of the adsorbate. The optimal regeneration parameters of the carbonic adsorbents obtained in the Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry exhausted in the processes of water purification and wine conditioning were established. The processes were studied and the optimal regeneration processes of industrial activated carbons used at S.A. were determined. Water-Canal Chisinau for potable water from the Dniester river. During the period of 2020-2023, chemical indicators of water quality were studied and established in underground and phreatic wells in Pănășeși commune, Strășeni district, Coșcodeni commune, Sîngerei district, Cojușna commune, Strășeni district, commune. Coșernița, Criuleni district, Bălți municipality, Iezărenii Vechi commune, Sîngerei district and from the communes of Cîrnățeni, Plop Știubei, Săiti, Zaim, Fîrlădeni, Copanca, Ursoaia, Chircăiesti located in Căuşeni district. Groundwater potable technologies were developed and tested for these localities.
March 16-17, 2022 Testing the effectiveness of drinking water technology in Cojusna village, Straseni district |
Between March 16-17, 2022, the researchers of the scientific project entitled: "Reducing the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health by using adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials" collected and analysed water samples from the Theoretical High School "Alecu Russo” from Cojusna village (Straseni district). The results obtained regarding the effectiveness of the water purification technology and the proposed recommendations were communicated to the mayor Igor Craciun (Confirmation document of technology testing and verification from 03.04.2022/04.04.2022). |
March 21-23, 2022 Testing the effectiveness of drinking water technology in Cosernita commune, Criuleni district |
Researchers of the scientific project entitled: "Reducing the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health by using adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials" collected and analysed water samples from the artesian well that feeds the school, gardens, and the town hall of Cosernita commune (Criuleni district), and carried out analyses aiming at the effectiveness of the groundwater purification technology. The results obtained and the proposed recommendations were communicated to the mayor Teodor Tipa (Confirmation document of technology testing and verification from 12.04.2022/15.04.2022). ![]()
April 04-14, 2023 Testing the effectiveness of drinking water technology in Onitcani commune, Criuleni district |
Researchers of the scientific project entitled "Reducing the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health by using adsorbents and catalysts obtained from local raw materials" collected and analysed 6 water samples from the artesian wells and springs from Onitcani commune (Criuleni district), that are the main water sources of commune. On the obtained results was elaborated and proposed a technology for purification of water from artesian well no.2. The results regarding the water quality as well as the recommendations were communicated by acad. Tudor Lupascu to the Mayor Maria Tirgola and to the water supply engineer of the commune, Vladimir Bardian (Confirmation document of technology testing and verification from 18.04.2023/20.04.2023). The Mayor Maria Tirgola expressed sincere gratitude to the research team for their contribution. ![]()
Scientific event
The scientific seminar ADVANCED MATERIALS TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF TOXIC CHEMICALS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH (ADMATEH) is organized by the Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry, the Institute of Chemistry of MSU. The main aim of the seminar is active promoting in society of the scientific results obtained in the field of materials chemistry, ecological chemistry, environmental protection and population health. The seminar program includes oral presentations of researchers selected by the Scientific Committee and poster presentations which will be thoroughly reviewed and adapted to the virtual format as an electronic edition. |
National monographs
- SANDU, M. Tehnologii de tratare a apelor destinate consumului uman, de epurare a apelor uzate menajere, industriale, pluviale și a levigatului, expertizate în Republica Moldova. (Ghid ştiinţifico-practic destinat cercetătorilor științifici, studenților, masteranzilor, doctoranzilor, profesorilor în domeniul mediului și protecției apelor). Chișinău, „Primex-Com”, 2020, 160 p. ISBN 978-9975-3347-4-7. DOI:628.16:628.3(478)(036)
- RUSU, V. CHIMIA MONTMORILONITULUI INTERCALAT. Proprietăți de suprafață. Modele fizico-chimice. Chișinău: Print-Caro, 2022, 390p. ISBN 978-9975-165-36-5
Chapters in monographs
- POVAR, I., SPINU, O., LUPASCU, T., DUCA, G. Thermodynamic Stability of Natural Aqueous Systems. In: Handbook of Research on Emerging Developments and Environmental Impacts of Ecological Chemistry. Chapter 4, 2020, p. 76-108. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1241-8
- SCUTARU, I. Metodologii noi de stabilizare a vinurilor. In: Principii de dezvoltare a oenologiei moderne și organizarea pieței vitivinicole. Capitolul 5, 2020, p.134-162. ISBN 978-9975-45-640-1
- LUPASCU, T., NASTAS, R. The Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry of the Institute of Chemistry. Brief History, Achievements and Perspectives In: Chimie ecologică: Istorie și realizări. Academicianul Gheorghe DUCA, 70 ani de la naștere. Coord.: dr. Gladchi Viorica, dr. hab. Arîcu Aculina. Chişinău: CEP USM, 2022, ISBN 978-9975-159-05-0, pp. 220-237; IBN ;
Book of abstracts
- Book of Abstracts of the scientific seminar with the international participation ADVANCED MATERIALS TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF TOXIC CHEMICALS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH, September 21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Editors: Tudor Lupascu, Raisa Nastas. Chișinău: 2023 (CEP USM). – 45 p. ISBN: 978-9975-62-559-3 (PDF).
Articles in international journals
- LUPAŞCU, T., PETUHOV, O., ŢÎMBALIUC, N., CIBOTARU, S., ROTARU, A. Adsorption Capacity of Vitamin B12 and Creatinine on Highly-Mesoporous Activated Carbons Obtained from Lignocellulosic Raw Materials. In: Molecules, 2020, 25(13), 3095. IF=3.589.
- ZINICOVSCAIA, I., SAFONOV, A., BOLDYREV, K., GUNDORINA, S., YUSHIN, N., PETUHOV, O., POPOVA, N. Selective metal removal from chromium-containing synthetic effluents using Shewanella xiamenensis biofilm supported on zeolite. In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27, 10495–10505 IF= 3.306
- CHISCA, D., CROITOR, L., MELNIC, E., PETUHOV, O., KULIKOVA, O., FONARI. M. Six transition metal–organic materials with the ditopic 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane ligand: Synthesis, structure characterization and luminescent properties. In: Polyhedron, 2020, vol. 192, 114844. DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2020.114844. IF: 2.343
- ROTARU, A., VLASE, T., BUDRUGEAC, P., PETUHOV, O. Recent developments in the field of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Romania and Republic of Moldova. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2020, vol.141, pp. 969-971. IF= 2.325
- POVAR, I., ZINICOVSCAIA, I., UBALDINI, S., SPINU, O., PINTILIE, B., LUPASCU, T., DUCA, G. Thermodynamic analysis of heavy metals precipitation for their recovery from industrial wastewaters. In: Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2020, vol. 19, nr. 2, pp. 281-288.; IF=0,956
- DUCA, Gh., LUPAȘCU, T., GONTA, A., POVAR, I., TIMBALIUC, N., LUPAȘCU, L. Enhanced biomedical properties of chitosan-Enoxil films. In: Farmacia. 2019, vol. 67, nr. 6, pp. 1048-1053. ISSN 1810-6455. IF=1,2
- LUPASCU, T., CULIGIN, E., PETUHOV, O., MITINA, T., RUSU, M., ROTARU, A. The influence of surface chemistry upon the textural, thermal and sorption properties of apple-pectins. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021 (Q1; Impact Factor 2020: 4.626) in press.
- GUTSANU, V., BAERLE, N. Interaction of L-Ascorbic Acid with Activated Carbon: Kinetic Studies and the Effect of pH. In: Colloid Journal. 2022, no. 84(3), pp. 353-363. (IF 0.936).
- CELLOTI, E., LAZARIDIS, G., FIGELI, J., SCUTARU, Y., NATOLINO, A., Comparison of a Rapid Light-Induced and Forced Test to Study the Oxidative Stability of White Wines. Molecules 2022, 27, 326. (IF 4,927)
- CEBAN (GINSARI), I., LUPASCU, T., MIKHALOVSKY, S., NASTAS, R. Adsorption of Cobalt and Strontium Ions on Plant-Derived. C — Journal of Carbon Research. 2023, 9(3), 71; (I.F.= 4.1)
- MUNTEAN, SG., NISTOR, MA., NASTAS, R., PETUHOV, O.. Dyes and Heavy Metals Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using Raw and Modified Diatomite. Processes. 2023; 11(8):2245. (I.F. = 3,35)
- GUTSANU, V., BOTNARU, M., PETUHOV, O. The Study of Chemical Transformations on Activated Carbon with Adsorbed Vitamin C before and after Thermal Regeneration. In: Colloid Journal. 2023, vol. 85, pp. 340-347. ISSN 1061-933X. DOI: (I.F.= 1,1).
- GUTSANU, V., PETUHOV, O., IPATE A-M., LISA, G., BOTNARU, M. Metal/carbon Composite Precursors for Obtaining New Sorbents-Catalysts. Colloid. J., 2023, vol. 85, No.6. (I.F. =1,1)
- LOZOVAN, Vasile, KRAVTSOV, Victor, CHUMAKOV, Yurii, COSTRIUCOVA, Natalia, SIMINEL, Nikita, PETUHOV, Oleg, VLASE, Titus, VLASE, Gabriela, BARBA, Alic, FONARI, Marina. Zn(II) and Cd(II) Metal-Organic Frameworks with Azine-Functionalized Pores: Crystal Structures, Photoluminescence, Solvent Exchange, and Molecular Simulations of Carbon Dioxide Binding Sites. In: Crystal Growth and Design. 2023, vol. 23, pp. 3171-3185. ISSN 1528-7483. DOI: (I.F.= 4.01)
- LUPASCU, Tudor, PETUHOV, Oleg, CULIGHIN, Elena, MITINA, Tatiana, RUSU, Maria, ROTARU, Andrei. The influence of surface chemistry upon the textural, thermal and sorption properties of apple-pectin adsorbent materials. In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023, vol. 148, nr. 10, pp. 4573-4587. ISSN 1388-6150. DOI: (I.F.=4,63)
- MITINA, T., BONDARENCO, N., GRIGORAS, D., LUPASCU, T., MEREUTA, A. The composition of the lime scale of electric power stations and rationale of their utilization. In: Znanstvena misel journal, 2020, vol.1, nr.45. с. 18-23. ISSN 3124-1123 .
- MUKHIN, V., KOROLEOV, N., MEDNYAK, V., LUPASCU, T., CULIGHIN, E. Preliminary evaluation of the role of activated carbon in soil/water remediation. In: Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry. 2021, no 3(1), pp. 4-9.
- LUPASCU, L., PETUHOV, O., TIMBALIUC, N., LUPASCU, T. Study of the Adsorption of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus Bacteria on Enterosorbent Obtained from Apricot Kernels. In: C – Journal of Carbon Research. 2022, no 8(3), 38, pp. 1-11.
- GUTSANU, V., LISA, G., BOTNARU, M. Vitamin C Interaction with Activated Carbons: Isotherms, Thermodynamics, Thermal Investigation. In: Research Journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Science. 2022, no. 8(4), pp. 32-52. 10.26479/2022.0804.04
- LUPASCU, T., CIOBANU, M., CULIGHIN, E. Absorption of methylene blue from aqueous solutions on activated coal CAN-9: kinetics and equilibrium studies. In: Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry (RJEEC). 2022, no. 4(1), pp. 22-28.
- CIOBANU, M., TIMBALIUC, N., LUPASCU, T., CULIGHIN, E. Kinetics of caffeine adsorption from aqueous solutions on active charcoal AC-0-9, Romanian Journal of Ecology & Environmental Chemistry, 4(2), 2022, pp. 48-55,
Articles in national journals
- UBALDINI, S., POVAR, I., LUPASCU, T., SPINU, O., TRAPASSO, F., PASSERI, D., CARLONI, S., GUGLIETTA, D. Application of innovative processes for gold recovery from romanian mining wastes. CHEMISTRY JOURNAL OF MOLDOVA. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2020, 15(2), pp. 29-37,, Categoria A
- LUPAŞCU, T., SANDU, M. Valeriu Ropot, doctor in chemical sciences, talented chemist and renowned ecologist. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2022, no. 2(17), pp. 7-18., Categoria A.
- PETUHOV, O., TIMBALIUC, N., CEBAN (GINSARI), I., CIBOTARU, S., LUPASCU, T., NASTAS, R. Comparative study of the local vegetable activated carbons with commercial ones for adsorption of methylene blue. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2023, 18(2), pp. 34-41 Categoria A.
- LUPAŞCU, T., CIOBANU, M. Dinamica adsorbţiei Sr2+ din soluţii apoase pe cărbunele activ CAN-7. In: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Ştiinţe Reale şi ale Naturii. 2021, nr. 1(141), pp. 181-186. ISSN 1814-3237, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4981132, Categoria B.
- LUPASCU, T., CIOBANU, M., PETUHOV, O. Explanation of appearance inflection points of strontium ions isotherms adsorption on CAN-7 and CAN-8 oxidized activated carbons. In: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Ştiinţe Reale şi ale Naturii. 2021, nr. 6 (146). Pp.109-114 ISSN 1814-3237 Categoria B.
- MITINA, T., BONDARENCO, N., GRIGORAȘ, D., LUPAȘCU, T. Aplicarea metodei WQI în studiul calității apelor subterane din raionul Căușeni. In: Akademos, 2021, nr. 4, pp. 75-81. CZU: 543.3:628.1.036,, Categoria B. Editată în 2022 realizată in 2021.
- LUPASCU, T., ARICU, A. Predestinat cercetării și dezvoltării. Academicianul Gheorghe Duca la 70 de ani. In: Akademos, 2022, nr.1(64), pp. 155-157., Categoria B.
- CIOBANU, M., LUPAȘCU, T., ȚÎMBALIUC, N., BOLDURESCU, N. Regenerarea cărbunelui activ AG-3 utilizat în procesele de potabilizare a apelor de suprafață. În: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria Ştiinţe Reale şi ale Naturii, 2023, nr. 6 (166), p. 106-112. Categoria B.
- LUPASCU, Tudor (MD), MITINA, Tatiana (MD), GOREACIOC, Tatiana (MD), CULIGIN, Elena, CIBOTARU, Silvia (MD). POVAR, Igor (MD), DEMCENCO, Pavlo (UA), KOZLOV, Konstantyn (UA),Oleksandr VOITKO, Oleksandr (UA). Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Brevet al Repubicii Moldova MD 4746 B1 2021.02.28.
- LUPAŞCU, Tudor; MITINA, Tatiana; GOREACIOC, Tatiana; CULIGHIN, Elena; CIBOTARU, Silvia; POVAR, Igor; DEMCHENKO, Pavlo; KOZLOV, Kostiantyn; VOITKO, Oleksandr. Procedeu de oxidare a pectinelor. Brevet de invenție nr. 9675 din 12.11.2020.
- LUPASCU, T., MITINA, T., GOREACIOC, T., CULIGHIN, E., CIBOTARU, S., POVAR, I., DEMCHENCKO, P., KOZLOV, K., VOITKO, O. Procedeu de oxidare a pectinei. Hotărâre pozitiva nr. 9675 din 2020.12.11. Hotarire pozitivă de acordare brevetului de inventie nr. a 2020 0031 din 2020.04.08.