Tatiana Mitina

Titlul: -
Funcția: Cercetător științific 
Laborator: Chimia Apei
Birou:  125
Telefon/fax: (+373 22) 73 99 77

[email protected]
mitina_tatiana @ mail.ru
tatiana.mitina @ ichem.md

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Domeniul de cercetare

Chimie analitică: spectrometrie de absorbție atomică, fotocolorimetrie, metode chimice de analiză.

Publicații relevante
  1. Mitina, T.; Bondarenco, N.; Grigoras, D.; Botizat, E.;  LUPASHCU, T. Determination of strontium ions  in waters with a high  content of sodium ions. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2015, 10(1), 20-24. ISSN 1857-1727.
  2. Postolachi, L.; Rusu, V.; Lupascu, T.; Mitina, T.  Dynamics of heavy metals level in bottom sediments of river Prut (Republic of Moldova). In: Abstract book. Congressi Stefano Franscini. Contaminated sediments: Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Engineering .  8-13 march, 2015, Switzerland, p.91.
  3. Duca,  Gh.;   Bogdevich,  O.;  Cadocinicov,  O.;  Culighin,  E.;  Nicolau,  E.;  Mitina,  T.; Izmailova,  D.;  Bondarenco,  N.;  Grigoras,  M.;  Grogoras,  D. The stydy of pollution sources for water management purposes in Republic of Moldova.  International symposium-SIMI2015  “The environment and the industry”. October 29-30, 2015, Bucharest, Romania, p.30-32.
  4. Postolachi, L.; Rusu, V.; Lupascu, T.; Mitina, T.  Effect  of bottom sediments re-suspension on heavy metals level for the Prut river (Republic of Moldova).  International symposium-SIMI2015  “The environment and the industry”. October 29-30, 2015, Bucharest, Romania, p. 111-112.
  5. Cuba, L.; Mitina, T.; Mirzac, A.; Bulhac, I.  Synthesis and IR spectroscopy study of iron and cobalt coordination compounds with 2,3-butadione bis(iso)nicotinoylhidrazone. In: Book of abstracts. The XVIII-th International Conference “Physical Methods in Coordination snd supramolecular Chemistry”.  October 8-9, 2015, Chisinau, Moldova, p.92.
  6. Харчук, О.; Кириллов, А.; Митина, Т.; Козьмик, Р.; Кириллова, Э.; Баштовая, С. Гетерогенность ионного статуса в системе «корень-стебель-лист» растений сои Glycine max L. при действии засухи и засоления. In: Тезисы докладов « Растения в условиях глобальных и локальных природно-климатических и антропогенных воздействий». Всероссийская научная конференция с международным участием. 2015, Петрозаводск, Россия, р.561.
  7. Zincovscaia, I.; Cepoi, L.; Chiriac, T.; Valuta, A.; Mitina, T.; Fronrasyeva, M.; Pavlov, S.; Gundorina, S. Cyanobacteria-new materials for wastewater treatment.  EUROINVENT, may 16,2015, Iași, Romania. Gold medal.
  8. LUPAŞCU, T.;  MITINA, T.; GRIGORAȘ, D. Metodele de determinare a microelementelor in obiectele biologice. În Monografia „Microelementele în obiectele biosferei Republicii Moldova şi aplicarea în agricultură şi medicină”. 2016, Chişinau,  p.240-253.
  9. БУРОВЕЦ, В.; МИТИНА, Т. Полимеризация компонентов электролита  при осаждении нанокристаллических Co-W покрытий из глюконатных растворов. În: Сборник трудов. Высокие, критические электро- и нанотехнологии. 23 ноября 2016, Тула, стр. 41-47.
  10. PETRENKO, V.; SIDELNICOVA, S.; IUSHCHENCO, S.; MITINA, T. The electrolyte composition change during the ecm of heat-resistant alloys on nickel and iron-nickel basis depending on the alloy type. În:  8th International conference on materials science and condensed matter physics. september 12-16, 2016, Chişinău, Moldova, p. 330.
  11. ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; CEPOI, T.; CHIRIAC, T.; MITINA, T.; GROZDOV, D.; YUSHIN,N.; CULICOV,  O. Application of Arthrospira (spirulina) platensis biomass for silver removal from aqueous solutions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION ,2017, VOL. 19, NO. 11, 1053–1058, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2017.1319332. Imp. Factor 2,4.
  12. MITINA, T.; BONDARENCO, N; GRIGORAS, D; LUPASCU, T.  Studying of the composition of the scum of electric power stations. În: 6th International conference Ecological and environmental chemistry. March 2-3, 2017,Chişinău, Moldova, p. 111.
  13. LUPASCU, T; MITINA, T.; BONDARENCO, N; GRIGORAS, D. Indirect atomic absorbtion determination of chloride ion in colored water.În:6th International conference Ecological and environmental chemistry. March 2-3, 2017,Chişinău, Moldova, p. 113.
  14. CIOBANU, M; LUPASCU, T; MITINA, T.; Absorption of Sr2+ ions from water solutions on active carbon CAN-7 in dynamic condition.În:6th International conference Ecological and environmental chemistry. March 2-3, 2017,Chişinău, Moldova, p. 113.
  15. LISNIC, S.; COREŢCAIA, IU.; LEMANOVA N.;  MITINA, T.; BONDARENCO, N.  Efectul fertilizantului microcom-T şi suspensiilor rizobacteriene (Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas putida) asupra unor   procese fiziologice şi productivităţii    sfeclei de zahăr în dependenţă de condiţiile de mediu. In: „Aspecte inovative în ameliorarea culturilor agricole”. Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifico-practice internaţionale. Paşcani, 6 septembrie 2018,pp.406-414.
  16. BOUROSH, P.;  BULHAC, I.; COVACI, O. ;  ZUBAREVA, V.;  MITINA, T.Iron(II) Bis-á-Benzyldioximate Complexes with 3- and 4-Pyridine Hemiacetals as Axial Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Physicochemical Propertie. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 507–517. I.F. 0,67.
  17. CIOBANU, M.; LUPAȘCU, T.; MITINA, T.; POVAR, I. Removal of ammonium and sodium ions from groundwater. În: 21st International symposium „The environment and the industry”.September 20-21, 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
  18. YUSHIN, N.; ZINICOVSCAIA, I.; CEPOI, L.; CHIRIAC, T.; MITINA, T. Study of chemistry of Cr(VI)/Cr(III) biosorption from batch solutions and electroplating industrial efluent using cyanobacteriium Spirulina platensis. The International Scientific Conference on Microbial Biotechnology, 4rd edition, October 11-12, 2018, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 98.
  19. VEREJAN,A.; BAERLE, A.; TATAROV, P.; MITINA, T. Dynamics of walnuts humidity and rehydration. International Conference. Modern tehnologies in the food industry, 18-20 October, 2018 Chişinău (R. Moldova), pp.  236-237.
  21. Duca Gheorghe, Aliona Mereuța,  Natalia Velisco,  Claudiu Tanaselia, Tatiana Mitina     Determination of quality indicators of Prut river water.  Chemistry Journal of Moldova. 2019, 14(1), 61-67. ISSN 1857-1727.
  22. T. MITINA,  N.  BONDARENCO,  D. GRIGORAS,  E.BOTIZAT.  Evaluation of the quality of water from different sources of Moldova .  International conference achievements and perspectives    of modern chemistry , Chisinau, octomber 9-11,2019, p.179.
  23. T. MITINA,  N. BONDARENCO,  D. GRIGORAS,  E.BOTIZAT  The indirect method of atomic absorption determination of nitrate ion in colored water.    International conference achievements and     perspectives of modern chemistry , Chisinau, octomber 9-11, 2019, p.180.
  24. NASTAS, R.; GOREACIOC, T.; GÎNSARI, I.; CEBOTARI, I.; LUPAŞCU, T.; SANDU, M.;    TĂRÎŢĂ, A.; MITINA, T. Testarea cărbunilor activi autohtoni pentru eliminarea ionilor de nitrit din apă.    Buletinul A.Ș.M. Ştiinṭele vieții, 2019, Chișinău, Republica   Moldova, nr. 2 (338), p. 171-179. ISSN 1857-064.
  25. MITINA T., BONDARENCO N., GRIGORAS D.,  LUPAŞCU T., MEREUTA A. The composition of the lime scale of electric power stations and rationale of their utilization.  Znanstvena misel. 2020, 45(1),18-22.