Advanced research in computational and ecological chemistry, identification of technological procedures for treatment, formation of water quality and quantity (ECOAQUA)

Strategic priority

III.Biotechnologies and environmental protection

Strategic direction

Ecological security: The impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the environment and society


The subprogram addresses innovative research in computational chemistry and ecology, as well as water purification technologies, with a particular focus on antioxidant ionic liquids, promising anti-pollutant compounds. The project explores the effects of antioxidant and biologically active substances on natural and wastewater processes, focusing on oxidation and fermentation, with a special focus on the Nistru River basin.

Synthesis and characterization of carbon composites from indigenous renewable sources and cross-linked polymers are key elements. Carbon composites with improved catalytic and adsorption properties will be identified and synthesized, their effectiveness in removing pollutants from natural waters and making them potable will be validated, as well as the development of innovative technologies for water treatment, contributing significantly to solving problems related to water quality and protecting the environment, with a positive impact on society and various industries.

The project investigates the quality and quantity of natural waters and the complex physico-chemical processes in technological waters, contributing to the sustainable management of aquatic resources in the Republic of Moldova. The subprogram focuses on the research of purification processes in biological stations, analyzing biogenic species according to chemical composition and other physicochemical parameters. Thermodynamic and physicochemical analysis of the complex chemical processes responsible for the reduction of toxic species in aquatic systems is essential. The models will identify areas of water scarcity, providing recommendations for sustainable management of water resources. The analysis of the transformations of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon species in the wastewater treatment process will contribute to the development of advanced treatment technologies. It is also proposed to carry out a technical inventory and evaluate the operating conditions of the biological treatment plants in the central area of the Republic of Moldova, with an emphasis on the chemical composition of the wastewater and its impact on the aquatic environment.

Results, activities

Summary of the activity and results obtained in 2024

In the current research, 12 carbon composite samples were produced, 6 of which were impregnated with metal salts and activated in a fluidized bed, tested for metal ion retention stability and catalytic studies regarding hydrogen peroxide decomposition. The composites impregnated with MnCl2 and activated at 1000°C showed the best results in metal ion adsorption. The composites obtained from walnut shells demonstrated a favorable cost-efficiency ratio for water treatment applications. The optimization of the impregnation and activation process was proposed to improve the performance of the catalytic materials.

In collaboration with local authorities and S.A. Apa-Canal Hancesti, water purification technologies were developed to improve water quality. Another significant study was conducted on the isotopic composition of surface and groundwater to assess water resource formation in the context of climate change. The results showed significant variability of isotopes in the Prut River, with rivers being supplied by groundwater during dry periods. Chemical analyses revealed non-compliance with national water quality standards.

Advanced technologies were proposed to improve the processes of nitrification and denitrification, using IFAS (Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge) and biofilters with a biological film. The results demonstrated significant success in nitrogen removal and water quality improvement, especially at low temperatures. At the same time, processes of struvite precipitation and other forms of phosphate were studied, with pH optimization and the addition of Mg2+ and NH4+ identified as essential factors for efficient phosphorus recovery.

The thermodynamic model developed for improving wastewater treatment processes demonstrated remarkable efficiency in nitrogen and phosphorus removal and recovery, as well as improved nitrification and denitrification. Experimental results confirmed the efficiency of ammonia and phosphorus recovery and struvite crystal formation. Thermodynamic modeling clarified the crystallization mechanisms of struvite, correlated with precipitation and prevailing conditions.

The structure of the L-carnitine molecule was optimized, demonstrating its importance in the metabolism of mammals, plants, and bacteria. The effects of antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and gallic acid, which stabilize free radicals and prevent cellular damage, were also analyzed. Photolysis studies confirmed the stability of vitamin B12 in natural waters, promoting the conversion of cyanocobalamin to hydroxocobalamin. Studies on vitamin B6 pollution showed its negative impact on the self-purification capacity of water bodies. Additionally, optimal catalysts for polyphenol oxidation were identified, and the oxidation of gallic acid demonstrated a significant reduction in COD and substrate concentration.

Research on the extraction of active ingredients from natural sources revealed the ideal conditions for obtaining propolis extracts with high antioxidant activity. DDD (double dielectric discharge) technology showed promising prospects for treating natural and industrial waters.

Research on the antioxidant activity of compounds from grapes and wine highlighted the influence of the reaction environment, offering valuable perspectives for environmental protection and pharmaceutical applications.


Chapter in international monograph

  1. PETUHOV,  O.,  LUPAȘCU, T., Vlase, T.,  BRADU, I.-A.,  BEHUNOVA, D.  Bactericidal Properties of Microwave Activated Carbons Enhanced with Enoxil and Silver/Selenium Nanoparticles. In: Recent Developments in Chemistry and Biochemistry Research, 2024, Vol. 7, Chapter 8, pp. 126-149.

Articles in Web of Science and Scopus journals

  1. GORINCHOY, N., BALAN, I., POLINGER, V., BERSUKER, I.B. Inversion isomerism induced by the Pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect in X2CE molecules (X = H, F; E = O, S, Se) in their reduced and excited states. In: Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2024, 2769, 012005, pp. 1-10. DOI: (IF: 0,5)
  2. LIS, A.; GLADCHI, V.; DUKA, Gh.; TRAVIN, S. Indirect photolysis of cysteine and thiourea in the presence of metal ions in the aquatic environment. In: Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2024, vol. 560, ISSN 0020-1693. DOI: ( IF: 2,8)
  3. PETUHOV, O., TIMBALIUC, N., CEBAN (GINSARI), I., CIBOTARU, S., LUPASCU, T., NASTAS, R. Comparative study of the local vegetable activated carbon with commercial ones for adsorption of methylene blue. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, pp. 93-101, 19(1), 2024, (Categoria A)
  4. POVAR, I., SPÎNU, O., VIȘNEVSCHI A. Quantitative Theory of the Buffering Action of Soil Minerals in Environmental Systems. In: Earth Systems and Environment. 2024. (Q1 - (IF 5.3)

Articles in international journals

  1. DUCA, Gh., SOLDATENCO, O., TARAN, N. The Study of the Influence of Non-Saccharomyces Yeast Strains on the Must Fermentation Process. In: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series II: Forestry-Wood Industry-Agricultural Food Engineering. 2024, 17(66), pp. 141-152.
  2. POVAR, I., SPINU, O., CRETESCU, I. Modeling of physico-chemical processes based on mass balance and generalized equations for multicomponent two-phase aquatic ecosystems. In: Ecology & Safety. 2024, vol. 18, pp. 1-11. ISSN 1314-7234
  3. VISNEVSCHI, A. Evaluation of Technological Solutions to Enhance the Operational Efficiency of the WWTP “Apa-Canal” Magdacesti Municipal Enterprise. In: Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology. 2024, vol. 46, pp. 42–50. (IF: 0.6)

Articles in national journals

  1. DUCA, Gh., SANDU, M., GLADCHI, V., LIS, A., BLONSCHI, V. Capacitatea de autopurificare biologică a apelor naturale și uzate prin evaluarea raportului dintre poluanții biodegradabili și cei toxici. In: Studia Universitatis Moldaviaie. Seria “Științe reale și ale naturii”. 2024, 1(171), pp. 218-229.
  2. ЧИСТЯКОВ, M., БЛОНСКИ, B., ГЛАДКИ, B. Влияние витамина В12 на химические процессы самоочищения водных систем. In: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae Seria Științe Reale și ale Naturii. 2024, 1(171), pp. 230-238.


  1. SPATARU, P., VISNEVSCHI, A., SPINU, O., SPATARU, T., POVAR, I. Procedeu de tratare a nămolului activ provenit în urma epurării apelor reziduale. Brevet de invenție MD 1725 din 2024.06.30.