Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
Institutul de Chimie al USM
Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie al USM
Institutul de Energetică al UTM
CULIGHIN Elena, Institutul de Chimie al USM
NICOLAU Elena, Institutul de Chimie al USM
Dr. MOȘANU Elena, Institutul de Ecologie și Geografie al USM
Dr. BÎCOVA Elena, Institutul de Energetică al UTM
KIRILLOVA Tatiana, Institutul de Energetică al UTM
KUZNEȚOVA Elena, Institutul de Energetică al UTM
VASILIEV Irina, Institutul de Energetică al UTM
The Republic of Moldova has improved its emission inventory development for black carbon and other air pollutants thanks to CCAC support which resulted in the submission of its updated emission inventory to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections in 2020. The support also enhanced the capacity of Moldova’s national institutions in the integrated assessment of SLCPs, air pollutants and GHGs. Despite substantial progress on SLCP emission data collection and assessment capacities, the estimation of SLCP emission projections, mitigation potential and gridded emissions is still lacking. As per EU directives there is also a requirement for all European countries to establish emission limits for all air pollutants. These need to be updated every 5 years and submitted this year. The estimation of emission limits is key to inform emission reduction efforts. The aim is to develop quantitative estimates of the SLCP emission reduction potential from implementing key mitigation actions in Moldova to support the NDC update in 2025, UNFCCC reporting as Moldova begins developing its first BTR, and its long-term LEDS. The work will assess how SLCP emissions are likely to change into the future, and what priority mitigation measures can achieve the largest reduction in SLCP emissions, and hence benefit human health locally and contribute to Moldova’s climate change goals. The project will produce SLCP emission projections, grid emissions, and emission ceilings for air pollution and climate change strategies and reporting. The generated data and enhanced capacity will provide Moldova with the ability to consistently track progress and update mitigation assessments.