Titlul: | Doctor în științe chimice |
Funcția: | Cercetător științific superior |
Laborator: | Chimie coordinativă |
Birou: | 212 |
Telefon/fax: | (+373 22) 73 96 11 |
Email: | [email protected] [email protected] |
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Chimia coordinativă.
Sinteza şi studiul combinaţiilor complexe mono- şi polinucleare pe baza acizilor carboxilic, compuşi biologic activi; compuși coordinative cu elemente de tip-3d.
- BORDIAN, O.T.;. VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.S.; CULEAC, I.P.; ZUBAREVA, V.E.; BOJIN, D.E.; ENACHESCU,M. Synthesis and optical characterization of Eu(TTA)3(Ph3PO)2. În: Moldavien Journal of the Physical Sciences, 14 (2015) .3-4, pp. 143-152, ,ISSN 1810-648X.
- BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR; CULEAC, ION; IOVU, MIHAIL; ZUBAREVA, VERA; NISTOR, IURIE. Optical characterization of a new nanocomposite SBMA/Eu(TTA)3(Ph3PO)2. În: Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VII, 2015, doi: 10.1117/12.2069989 (8 pagini). ISSN (print): 2286-3540, ISSN(online): 2286-3559. (IF: 0,23).
- Patent MD-4380. Procedeu de obţinere a nanocompozituluiCdSe/ZnS/PVP. MIRZAC, Alexandra; GUTUL, Tatiana; ZUBAREVA, Vera; BULHAC, ION; MICU, Alexandru; SIMINEL, Anatol. BOPI, 2016/ 4. Hotărâre nr.8206 din 2015.09.10
- BORDIAN, O.; VERLAN, V.; CULEAC, I.; IOVU, M.; ZUBAREVA, V.; NISTOR, I. Optical characterization of the new nanocomposite SBMA/Eu(TTA)3(Ph3PO)2. În: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies VII. Book of abstracts, Constanta, Romania, August 21, 92581V (February 21, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2069989.
- MIRZAC, Alexandra; GUTUL, Tatiana; ZUBAREVA, Vera; BULHAC, ION. Electroforetic Deposition of CdSe/ZnS/PVP Nanocomposite.. În: The XVIII-th International Conference "Phisical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry". October 8-9, 2015. Chişinău, Moldova.P. 76, p.105.
- BORDIAN,O.; VERLAN, V.; CULEAC, I.; ZUBAREVA,V. Absorbtia si luminescenta nanocompozitului polimeric SBMA/Eu(TTAh(Ph3PO)2. În: Tendinte contemporane ale dezvoltarii stiintei: viziuni ale tinerilor cercetatori, Academia de stiinte a Moldovei, 10 martie 2015, TEZE, p. 29, 2015. CZU: 082:[001.38+378] T36.
- VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.S.; CULEAC, I.; BORDIAN, O.; ZUBAREVA, V.E.; NISTOR,IU. Effective Transfer of UV Energy to Red Luminescence in the Nanocomposites Polymer/Eu. Coordination Compounds. În:3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chisinau, Moldova,September 23 – 26, 2015, Program and abstract book. p. 60.
- VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.S.; CULEAC, I.; BORDIAN, O.; ZUBAREVA, V.E.; NISTOR,IU. Effective Transfer of UV Energy to Red Luminescence in the Nanocomposites Polymer/Eu Coordination Compounds. În: ProceedingsC Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016, V. Sontea and I. Tiginyanu (eds.). 3rd Iniernational Conference on Nanotehnologies and Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 55, p. 17-20. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-736-9 4
- BORDIAN, O.; VERLAN, V.; CULEAC, ION.; IOVU, M.; ZUBAREVA, V.; NISTOR, I. Technology and optical characterization of luminophore coordination compound Eu(o-MBA) 3Phen and nanocomposite Eu(o-MBA)3Phen/PEPC În: Tezele conferintei : The 8th edition of the International Conference "Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies". ATOM-N 2016, 25 - 28 august 2016, Constanta, Romania. Conference program. PS1-14. Paper No.: OMN100-40
- BORDIAN, O.; VERLAN V.; CULEAC , I.;. ZUBAREVA, V. Characterization of the dissolution of functional organic compounds on europium base. În: 3 rd International Conference Health Technology Management October, book of abstract, ed. V. Somtea, 6-7 Octomber, 2016, Chisinau, Moldova: Pontas, 2016, Tipografia “Europress”, 134 p. (p. 129). ISBN 978-9975-51-774-4, CZU 614+0041682, H46.
- VERLAN, V.I.; BORDIAN, O.; CULEAC,I.P.; IOVU, M.S.; ZUBAREVA, V.E. Characterization of the luminophore compounds based on Eu3+ ions coordinated with different ligands. În:8th International Conference Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, MSCMP, Abstracts.September 12-16, 2016, Chisinau, p.374, p. 286. 2016, ISBN 978-9975--71-819-6.
- BORDIAN, O.; VERLAN, V. ; CULEAC, I.; IOVU, M.; ZUBAREVA V. Photoluminescente properties of Eu(o-MBA)3 Phen organic compound embedded in PEPC polymer matrix. În: / Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. March – April 2017. Vol. 19, No. 3 – 4. P. 223 – 227. ISSN 1454-4164. (IF: 0,29).
- BORDIAN, O.T.; VERLAN, V.I.; IOVU, M.; CULEAC, I.;ZUBAREVA V.E.; MALAHOV, L.A. Synthesis and luminescent properties of ligand-Europium(III) Coordination compounds. Proceeding of the International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science & the 6th Conference of Physicists of Moldova. October 19-21, 2017. Chișinău: UTM, p.126-129.
- BORDIAN OLGA, VERLAN VICTOR, CULEAC ION, CIORNEA VIOREL, ZUBAREV VERA. Synthesis and characterization of novel coordination compound
- Eu(DBM)3(Ph3PO)H2O. Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IX, edited by Marian Vladescu, Razvan Tamas, Ionica Cristea, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10977, 109771E. © 2018 SPIE CCC code: 0277-786X/18/$18 doi: 10.1117/12.2323761. Proceedings Volume 10977, Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies IX; 109771E (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2323761. Event: Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies IX, 2018, Constanta, Romania
- БОУРОШ, П.; БУЛХАК, И.; КОВАЧ, О.; ЗУБАРЕВА, В.; МИТИНА, Т. Бис-α-Бензилдиоксиматные комплексы железа(II) с 3- и 4-пиридинполуацеталями в качестве аксиальныхлигандов: синтез, строение и физико-химические свойства. Координационнаяхимия, 2018, том 44, № 4, с. 255-265 (FI: 0.717)
- GORINCHOY, V.; ZUBAREVA, V.; MELNIC, E.; KRAVTSOV, V. Heterotrinuclear [Fe2IIINiII]-µ3-oxo-clusterbasedonsalicylicacid. Synthesis, structure and physico-chemical properties. Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry, 13(1),2018, p. 46-54. ISSN 1857-1727 (print), ISSN 2345-1688 (online).
- BOUROSH, P.; BULHAC, I.; COVACI, O.; ZUBAREVA, V.; MITINA, T. Iron(II) Bis-α-Benzyldioximate Complexes with 3- and 4-Pyridine Hemiacetals as Axial Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Physicochemical Properties. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2018, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 507-517. ISSN 1070-3284.
- ZUBAREVA, VERA; BOUROSH, PAULINA; BULHAC ION. Synthesis and crystal structures of ammonium salts of cobalt(III) and cobalt(II) based on dipicolinic acid. În: International Conference“Achievements and Perspectives of Modern Chemistry” October 9-11, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova P. 86.
- VERLAN, V.; CULEAC, I. P.; BORDIAN, O., ZUBAREVA, V. E.; BULHAC, I.; IOVU, M. S.; ENACHESCU, M.; SIMINEL, N. A.; NEDELEA, V. V. Luminescence Properties of a Novel Eu3+ Dinuclear Coordination Compound. În: Proceedings of. 4th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ( ICNB ME-2019), September 18 – 21, 2019, p.161 – 165. Editors: Ion Tiginyanu Victor Sontea, SergheiRailean, Chisinau, Moldova, ISSN 1680-0737 ISSN 1433-9277 (electronic) IFMBE Proceedings ISBN 978-3-030-31865-9 ISBN 978-3-030-31866-6 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31866-6Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 77
- VERLAN, V.; CULEAC, I. P.; BORDIAN, O., ZUBAREVA, V. E.; BULHAC, I.; IOVU, M. S.; ENACHESCU, M.; SIMINEL, N. A.; NEDELEA, V. V. Luminescence Properties of a Novel Eu3+Dinuclear Coordination Compound. În: Program and Abstract Book. 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ICNBME-2019, , September 18-21, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 83.
- Patent MD 4677.Compus coordinative dinuclear al europiului(III) cu liganzimicști, care manifestăproprietăți luminescenteZUBAREVAVERA, MD; BULHACION, MD; BORDIANOLGA, MD; VERLANVICTOR, MD; CULEACION, MD; ENACHESCUMARIAN, RO; MOISECALIN CONSTANTIN, RO.Datapublicăriihotărârii de acordare a brevetului: 2020.02.29, BOPI nr. 2/2020.
- ZUBAREVA, VERA; BULHAC, ION; BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR;CULEAC, ION;MOISE, CALIN CONSTANTIN;ENACHESCU,MARIAN.Compus coordinativ al europiului(III) de tip dinuclear cu liganzi micşti cu proprietăţi luminescente și procediu de obținerea.Cerere de brevet de invenție. Trimis la Oficiul de Stat pentruInvenţiişiMărci din România. Registratura OSIM (nr. şi data primirii) A/00007 de la 07-01-2019.
- Compus coordinativ binuclear al europiului(III) cu liganzi micști cu proprietăți luminescente / The Europium(III) Dinuclear Coordination Compound with Mixed Ligands and Luminescent Properties. Autori: ZUBAREVA, VERA; BULHAC, ION; BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR;CULEAC, ION; ENACHESCU, MARIAN; MOISE, CALIN CONSTANTIN.ExpoziţiaInternaţionalăSpecializată INFOINVENT 2019. 20-23 noiembrie 2019. Chișinău. Moldova. MEDALIE DE AUR
- Procedeu de obţinere a compozitului luminofor pe baza compusului coordinativ binuclear al Eu(III) şi polimer / The technology for obtaining the luminophorenanocomposite based on the binuclear coordinating compound of Eu (III) and polymer.Autori: VICTOR VERLAN, MD; MIHAI IOVU, MD; ION CULEAC, MD; OLGA BORDIAN, MD; VERA ZUBAREVA, MD; ION BULHAC, MD; CALIN CONSTANTIN MOISE, RO, MARIAN ENACHESCU, RO ExpoziţiaInternaţionalăSpecializată I N F O I N V E N T 2 0 1 9. 20-23 noiembrie 2019. Chișinău. Moldova.MEDALIE DE AUR
- The technology for obtaining the luminophore nanocomposite based on the binuclear coordinating compound of Eu (III) and polymer.Autori: VICTOR VERLAN, MD; MIHAI IOVU, MD; ION CULEAC, MD; OLGA BORDIAN, MD; VERA ZUBAREVA, MD; ION BULHAC, MD; CALIN CONSTANTIN MOISE, RO, MARIAN ENACHESCU, RO ExpoziţiaInternaţionalăSpecializată I N F O I N V E N T 2 0 1 9. 20-23 noiembrie 2019. Chișinău. Moldova. DIPLOMA OF EXCELLENCE FOR INVENTION
- CoordinationBinuclearCompound ofEuropium(III) with Mixed Ligands Which Exhibits Luminescent Properties.Autori: ZUBAREVA, VERA; BULHAC, ION; BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR;CULEAC, ION;ENACHESCU, MARIAN; MOISE, CALIN CONSTANTIN.SalonulInternațional de invenții“Traian VUIA’, 12-14 iunie 2019. Timișoara, Romania. MEDALIE DE AUR.
- CoordinationBinuclearCompound ofEuropium(III) with Mixed Ligands Which Exhibits Luminescent Properties.Autori: ZUBAREVA, VERA; BULHAC, ION; BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR;CULEAC, ION;ENACHESCU, MARIAN; MOISE,CALIN CONSTANTIN. EUROINVENT 2019, 11 edition. Iași-Romania.MEDALIE DE ARGINT
- CoordinationBinuclearCompound ofEuropium(III) with Mixed Ligands Which Exhibits Luminescent Properties. Autori: ZUBAREVA, VERA; BULHAC, ION; BORDIAN, OLGA; VERLAN, VICTOR;CULEAC, ION; ENACHESCU, MARIAN; MOISE, CALIN CONSTANTIN. XXIV-th INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF INVENTICS.INVENTICA 2020. Iași-Romania.29-31 July 2020. DIPLOMA OF EXCELLENCE
- ANCD/20.80009.5007.28. Elaborarea noilor materiale multifuncționale și tehnologii eficiente pentru agricultură, medicină, tehnică și sistemul educațional în baza complecșilor metalelor „s” și „d” cu liganzi polidentați;
Perioada de realizare: 2020-2023;
Conducător: dr. habilitat, conf. cerc. Ion Bulhac.
CSȘDT/15.817.02.18A. Asamblarea şi studiul complecşilor metalelor tranziționale în baza liganzilor polifuncţionali şi macrociclici utili pentru agricultură, industria alimentară şi biotehnologii avansate;
Perioada de realizare: 2015-2019;
Conducător: dr. habilitat, conf. cerc. Ion Bulhac.
1. CSSDT-STCU 6117 Nanocompozitele polimer/compus organic coordinativ cu ioni din elemente rare pentru aplicații fotovoltaice
Perioada de realizare: 2017-2018
Conducător: dr., conf. cerc. Victor VERLAN